Today is waiting for us:A new flavor from Starline. A flavor that was announced quite recently. It turned out to be Apple juice. The cool Regal X Caesar Bohemia Crystal bases is back in stock on the market. The new model of the hookah from Tortuga – Brig: three colors, minimalistic design. Stem, tray, mouthpiece, removable diffuser. A good model for its budget segment (~40$).

Regal has released an unusual hookah model — Pawn Lego! The idea is quite simple but interesting, the overlay is made of lego, theoretically you can continue to customize it for yourself as you like. The new line from AIRCRAFT – medium line So far there are 12 flavors available:Watermelon candyCornflakesThe Village AppleLingonberry juiceSweet peachWild berriesPassion fruit-guavaMango yogurtEnergy drink with kiwiPomegranate juiceVanilla ColaPineapple lemonade

This year at HEW in Las Vegas there is going to be the Hookah Battle Keynote series. This will be an event group of business owners talking about different topics in the world of hookah. Such as stating an online hookah retail shop, working in the world of hookah hosting and catering, The Fight to Save hookah in the USA, as well as innovation in hookah products. the sponsors of…