Got a huge set of flavors from this brand, which we thoroughly tested for a few weeks! Now we’ve formed an opinion (or written a review) and are sharing with you what we found out: the best flavors, the worst flavors, and interesting facts. Grape, mint — tasty, fresh, good interpretation of the good old flavor from Al Fakher!Strength Booster — of course there is nothing to say about the…

Получили от этого бренда огромный набор вкусов, которые мы тщательно тестировали несколько недель! Теперь же мы составили мнение (или написали обзор) и делимся с вами тем, что выяснили: лучшие вкусы, худшие вкусы и интересные факты. Виноград, мята — вкусно, свежо, хорошая интерпретация старого доброго вкуса от Альфакер!Бустер крепости — конечно о вкусовых качествах тут говорить нечего, в соло действительно крепко, на уровне terror линейки Trofimoff`s. Помогает докрутить чашки до крепости…

New flavors from Palitra!GOOM BOOM — sweet and rich aroma of chewing gum, reminiscent of pink Orbit.APPLE — the bright aroma of a green apple. And also the Manual:Tea with pine cone jam — real autumn taste, for evening hookahs after a cool dayWatermelon liqueur — juicy flesh of a ripe watermelon, with a rich and sweet liqueur

Palitra announces the release of four new flavors:Papaya pomelo — taste of ripe and juicy papaya combined with sweet pomelo, which gives an unusual citrus tint. Banana jingles — banana gum, very similar to a natural fruit. Not a cloying taste without the extra chemical notes inherent in this fragrance.Blue berry — symbiosis of blue berries with bright and realistic aromatics. Cucumber drink — taste of lemonade with cucumber with…

Several new flavors from Trofimoff’s will be presented at JohnCalliano ChinatownTrofimoff’s x Palitra CollaborationPear Date — limited aromatics on burley tobacco leaf. The flesh of a fresh pear combined with figs. A deep fragrance with a confident strength. As well as a limited collection. So far, only the first flavor is knownMinttu — Abundance of freshness and density of taste.

A new flavor from Spectrum — Sorbet!Sorbet — Berry sorbet is your personal favorite, the grandeur and sophistication that everyone has been looking for for so long. The sweet taste of berries, wrapped in a hint of sourness of tart grapefruit, which awakens your taste buds and gives the sorbet a unique character. A limited edition flavor from Palitra!In addition to 3 new flavors, the brand has released its first…

Three new flavors from Palitra:BLACK CURRANT — aroma of a dark berry with a light texture of a black currant leaf. RAISAT (GARDEN OF EDEN) — inspiring and sophisticated world where every element is combined in a harmonious and unique union filled with the freshness and beauty of nature. GRAPE MINT GRAPE (GREEN GRAPES, MINT) — «old school forever». This is a variation on the classic combination of grapes and…

2024 is the year of the Green dragon,MEXANIKA SMOKE decided to make a batch of bowls that will be a symbol this year.It will only be sold for 365 days.MEXANIKA SMOKE — Gear Green dragon Material — semi-marble.Capacity — 12 grams.PALITRA has introduced a new package. Now in banks.The colors will be different. And also, three new flavors are promised in February.

A new flavor from Palitra.Samurai Drink — exquisite combination of absinthe, the tropical sweetness of passion fruit and the citrus sourness of lemon fresh, which will give you the strength and energy of a samurai. «Based on the classic and old cocktail recipe, which is rarely found anywhere in bars. The original name is Samurai tea. But we changed tea to a drink so as not to mislead you about…

Let me present to you the company Palitra — a manufacturer of hookah tobacco with bright, non-trivial flavors.https://t.me/palitratobaccohttps://instagram.com/palitratobaccoRight below this post, on our Hookah Hub platform, we’re offering our community members a Q\A session — ask any question to a brand representative in the comments. A brand ambassador, Arthur, will be on hand to answer questions10 days after posting, a brand representative will select the author of the best question and…

Представляю вам компанию Palitra-производитель кальянного табака с яркими,нетривиальными вкусамиhttps://t.me/palitratobaccohttps://instagram.com/palitratobaccoПрямо под этим постом, на нашей площадке Hookah Hub мы предлагаем членам нашего сообщества провести Q\A сессию — задайте любой вопрос представителю бренда в комментариях. Отвечать на вопросы будет представитель бренда АртурСпустя 10 дней после публикации, представитель бренда выберет автора лучшего вопроса и отправит подарок:Футболку Palitra

Palitra and 2 of their new flavorsStraw Black Berries — bright, natural and juicy blackberries combined with the sweetness of realistic strawberries. Cherry Tonic — sweet, carbonated cherry tonic, with a pleasant note of natural bitterness. Palitra — relatively new brand, made in Russia, which was first presented at the Hookah Club Show event in 2021. The taste palette is very diverse, from sweet donut to sour raspberries. The blend…