A new drop from Sapphire Crown!
The brand Sapphire has released two new flavors with a definite summer vibe.
Both about fruit, and refreshing too! Of course, we couldn’t pass up such a release and tried the new flavors. So below you will see our review according to different criteria.
Sapphire — Tropic Mamba
Taste — 3/5, tasty, desserty but like it lacks flavor precision. It’s refreshing with a sourness.
Brightness — 2/5, not bright, empty for most, feels tobacco leafy.
Hitting — 2/5, almost everyone said it’s not candy Mamba, but one tester said it’s very close.
Sapphire — Grapefruit
Flavor — 4/5, nice sour grapefruit with a slight bitterness.
Brightness — 4/5, good balance, no excess.
Hit — 5/5, hit is very precise in the natural fruit.
TOTAL: An interesting drop that was served at the right time, even if you don’t like something 100% you can definitely refresh.
Expect more reviews, there will be 2 BRAZILIAN products coming soon!
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