Darkside Inspiration – chance to win $500 Travel-Certificate for the Hookah Battle teams

Not long ago Darkside and HookahBattle launched an experimantal program which works for participants of Hookah Battle events, where Darkside is official partner.

As you may know in each event we have 1st, 2nd and 3rd award places and “Darkside Insipration” will be an additional award place. To participate in this nomination Hookah Battle participant should make a 1 minut speach on the expo stage (or during online show) in any language with a story:

What inspires you to work in the hookah industry or be a part of hookah community?

1 Jury member (Darkside representative) will be responsible to listen all the stories and announce the winner of this nomination at the end of this show. The winner will get a 500 euro travel certificate which can partually compensate the travel / visa / accomodation expenses to other countries where Hookah Battle events will take part.

To use it participant should participate in Hookah Battle event in other countries -> buy flight tickets / hotel -> send proof of expenses to Hookah Battle -> get up to 500 euro compensation. This travel certificate will be availible up to 3 years.

Im happy to introduce you with the first winner of “Darkside Inspiration” – participant of Hookah Battle Europe Cup 2022, which been held at Intertabak expo, Germany.

Team from Poland, “Krutoy Lounge“, Andrey Lukashchuk:

Here’s his inspiration story, which he told to the Juries of Hookah Battle Europe Cup:

” My name is Andrey, I have been working as a hookah master for 6 years.

Here are 3 highlights what inspires me to work in the hookah industry:

1st reason – this is my guests.

My guests, my loyal customers make me become better every day. What inspires me in my work is that when I take out my hookah on the guest table, the guests show surprise and admiration for my job. Thus, I am energized every day from the guests, because they return to me from other cities and countries.

The 2nd reason is my personal development.

Hookah culture is developing very quickly and I am developing in parallel with it, I do not stand still.

3rd reason – earnings.

All people go to work just to earn money, but I go to work with pleasure. My work is my life, I do it with a buzz and I get paid for it.”



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