Four new flavors from Overdose and Banger at once.Banger Evergreen – feijoa jam with coniferous notes.Banger Pineapple Kiwi – bright taste of tropical fruit salad made of kiwi and pineapple.Overdose Coffee – spicy sweet—bitter taste of freshly brewed coffee and a milky aftertaste.Overdose Kashmir Peach – combination of the sweet taste of delicate peach pulp with the astringency of spices.

Two new flavors from Banger.Cream Soda – citrus soda with a delicate creamy taste and notes of vanilla. An explosion of citrus notes gives the drink brightness and freshness, and vanilla notes are subtly intertwined with cream, adding softness and sweetness. Cherry Juice – sweet and sour juice made from ripe cherries. Immerse yourself in the history of ancient gardens, where every cherry tree was grown with special love and…

AshWood showed their first bowl – OZZY.The small-frame bowl is made in collaboration with the Kong brand.Made of semi-porcelain, it will be presented in two versions – with and without glaze. Volume ~ 10 gramsSales start in March this year.BANGER has introduced 2 new flavors: Mexican Pear and RaspberryMexican Pear – delicate pear with a pronounced cactus flavor and a hint of lime. Raspberry – fresh, natural, sweet forest raspberry,…

BANGER – Berry UpdatesCrumble – Blueberry crumble with a delicate vanilla cream and a hint of mint.Current – Ripe currant with a light jam note.Also, the company decided to make packaging for the HoReCa segment in 200 grams. This packaging will feature 17 flavors, including two new flavors. Northern announced the release of two new flavors in the “VETER” sub-brand:Grape/currant/mint – juicy mix of green grapes and black currant, with…

The BANGER team has released new flavors.Many of them have already smoked at JC FEST 23, and today is the official release:Strawberry “A light candy shade adds tenderness and sophistication, leaving an aftertaste of ripe strawberries and evoking memories of happy and serene summer days.” Brazilian Teak “A mind-blowing combination of green and black tea with light notes of citrus. The balanced aroma of green tea leaves will give a…

New summer-fruit flavors by BANGERApricot Jam – “delicate sweet and sour apricot jam with a light aftertaste of peach juice and a light lemon zest. Perfect-homogeneous consistency, exquisite aroma and no bones!” Tropic Mojito – “unique mix of tropical fruits with a bright base of lime, sweet mint and ice cubes. Tropical fruits will take you to the hot sunny coast, and a mohite base will refresh any mood!” Banger…

Every year, the biggest Hookah Community on VK – CLUB24 (with 292k followers, founded in 2007) conducts an analysis of the popularity of hookah tobacco brands.How we calculated: 1. Conducted a general market analysis, 2. Compiled a list of those who will participate in the big survey – deciding who to remove/add (vk.com/wall-24_4232482), 3. Conducted a big survey (vk.com/wall-24_4232925), combined the survey data with market analysis data, 4. Sorted the…

Как считали:1. провели общий анализ рынка,2. составили список тех, кто будет участвовать в большом опросе – решали, кого убрать / добавить,3. провели большой опрос, сложили данные опроса с данными анализа рынка,4. отсортировали топ-18 в нашем супер шорт-листеДисклеймер: наш рейтинг отличается от прочих премий тем, что мы препятствуем накруткам и призывам к «голосованию за себя». Для этого^1. Закрываем группу на время голосования.2. В комментариях к каждому опросу фиксируем динамику голосов на…

Wie wir gezählt haben: 1. allgemeine Marktanalyse durchgeführt, 2. Liste der Teilnehmer für eine große Umfrage erstellt – entschieden, wen hinzufügen/entfernen (vk.com/wall-24_4232482), 3. große Umfrage durchgeführt (vk.com/wall-24_4232925), Umfragedaten mit Marktdaten kombiniert, 4. Top-18 in unserer Super-Shortlist sortiert (vk.com/wall-24_4233727)Haftungsausschluss: Unser Ranking unterscheidet sich von anderen Auszeichnungen dadurch, dass wir Manipulationen und Aufrufe zur “Selbstabstimmung” verhindern. Dafür 1. Schließen wir die Gruppe während der Abstimmung. 2. In den Kommentaren zu jeder Umfrage…

Como contamos: 1. realizamos uma análise geral do mercado, 2. elaboramos uma lista dos que participariam da grande pesquisa – decidimos quem excluir / incluir (vk.com/wall-24_4232482), 3. realizamos a grande pesquisa (vk.com/wall-24_4232925), combinamos os dados da pesquisa com os dados de análise de mercado, 4. classificamos os 18 melhores na nossa super shortlist (vk.com/wall-24_4233727)Isenção de responsabilidade: nosso ranking difere de outros prêmios, pois evitamos manipulações e apelos ao “voto em…

За эту неделю прошла череда инфоповодов, которые на полноценный пост посвящённый им не тянут, но и упомянуть следовало бы. Погнали: 1. Бренд Target обновил фирменный стиль и показал новую модель чаш Lotus ориентированную на мини-кальяны. 2. Также по чашкам сегодня обновления и на украинском рынке. Бренд чашек Loona сменили название на Uranum и немного обновил свой стиль. 3. Два новых вкуса Banger! Moscow newer sleeps (Ягодное шампанское) Black and white…