Almost got to the new products from JC FEST, and so far the brand that we tried both at ShishaMesse and at JohnCalliano Fest – Manterra! An interesting product, from Turkey, but made together with Russian colleagues. Of course, to represent the industry of Turkey Manterra presented their local flavors, and also made a big accent on nut flavors, which we liked. The strength of the tobacco is medium, heat resistance…

Почти добрались до новинок c JC FEST, а пока бренд, который мы попробовали и на ShishaMesse и на JohnCalliano Fest — Manterra! Интересный продукт, из Турции, но сделанный совместно с российскими коллегами. Конечно, чтобы представить индустрию Турции Manterra представили и свои местные ароматы, а также сделали большой акцент на ореховых вкусах, что нам и понравилось. По крепости табак средний, жаростойкость хорошая, но на 4 углях не справляется иногда, переходим к ароматам!…

MANTERRA – new Russian tobacco, but introduced on the Turkish market on July 16, 2023. From the creators of the Y.K.A.P. and El Bomber brands Strength: MediumBase: Boiled Italian BurleyPacking: 25g/ 125gOn July 16, a product presentation was held in Antalya, where 30 flavors were presented.Among them are unique flavor solutions (Turkish dessert KATMER, persimmon MADINAH DATE, secret mix CODE ~8, etc.) and of course the most popular flavors of…