Latest news Hookah Club Show Expo Russia 2022


In view of the current situation, I consider it necessary to make an official statement!

The exhibition will be and everything is according to plan. We have about 20% of the purchased tickets – foreigners. I called many partners, they plan to go anyway. Everyone bought tickets and booked hotels. Trains, cars and buses travel from the southern regions. Construction has already begun on the exhibition halls.

The hookah industry has always been out of politics. We were meeting in the midst of covid, when the whole world lay in ruins, there were thousands of dead, and the economy was going downhill. Only our meetings, our communication, our community helped us cope with the situation and not fall into despair. I propose to be above politics. You and I are already in a gray field, the state does not see us point-blank, despite all attempts to influence it. We were banned under federal law and covid regulations, but we live and develop. Let’s also continue to be out of politics and do our own thing.

See you at the exhibition. She hugged everyone tightly.


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