Report Mix and Story International 2033

April 16, 2023 was our annual Mix and Story International 2033

This year’s show included 13 teams from 8 countries.

Community Tobacco / Russia


i’m a Fan of Raim / Kazakhstan

Raim Raketa Team / Kazakhstan

Team | by Jar-Nili / Kazakhstan

SmokeDex / Germany

AshishA / South Africa Republic

shisha spot / Poland

Baan Shisha Asakusa / Japan

captain shi-sha / Japan

Mad Shisha / United Kingdom

Uptail Hookah / Japan


The winners are:

1 place — Raim Raketa Team / Kazakhstan

2 place— captain shi-sha / Japan

3 place— Baan Shisha Asakusa / Japan

We thank our partners:

HolsterDarksideAircraftAlpha HookahMaklaudHookahmonkCOCOBRICOIntertabacHookah JohnDreamsDisketteLoungeBrusko




For the person first time watched battle I didn’t understand last.
Also it was a little bit long.
Some story behind person was cool.
I think it would’ve been cooler if every participants understood concept of event.
Thank you for great event anyway.


Uma competição incrível, um desafio difícil conseguir combinar um mix, junto a sua cultura, sua cidade, e tivemos ótimos participantes, acho que ainda faltou alguém para representar o Brasil nesta disputa, mas acredito que conforme as competições vão ocorrendo, mais pessoas vão se interessando em participar delas, os participantes estão de parabéns, e os jurados também! Jurados renomados e que agregaram bastante à competição! Estou ansioso pela próxima disputa.


HOOKAH BATTLE da en sevdiğim yarışmanın mix & story olduğunu söylemeliyim. Bu yarışmanın benim için özel olmasının asıl sebebi, tüm mixlerime bir hikaye katmak ve mixi o hikayede yaşatmak. Yarışmanın bütününe baktığımızda farklı ülkelerde yer alması gerçekten çok güzel bir etkinlikti. Özellikle Japonya’nın üç farklı yarışmacı ile katılımı takdir edilecek bir olay. Umarım seneye kendi ülkemden birçok yarışmacı bu yarışmaya katılır.

Bazı yarışmacıların yarışmanın fikrine ve mantığına uymadığını ve bu nedenle düşük puan aldığını söyleyebilirim. Bu yarışmada ana fikir, tattığınız veya görüntülediğiniz nargile karışımına, yaşadığınız ülke veya şehrin hissini yansıtmanız gerektiğidir.

İlk başta Kazakistan’ı görünce RAIM şov videosu yapar diye düşünmüştüm, ama videonun biraz sıkıcı olduğunu söyleyebilirim. Aklımda bir sürü soru işareti oluştu. Ama son yarışmacıya geldiğimizde maskenin arkasında RAIM olduğunu tahmin ettim ve tahminim doğru çıktı.

Kazanan kısmına geldiğimizde neden kazandığından ve videonun ana fikrinden biraz bahsetmek istiyorum. Öncelikle bu video gerçekten etkileyici bir videoydu, genel olarak hangi ülkeden olursanız olun, hangi dine mensup olursanız olun veya hangi dili konuşursanız konuşun dünyadaki birçok insan nargile konusunda aynı bakış açısına sahip. İşimizi gereksiz görenler, aptalca görenler, mantıksız görenler çok fazla. Raim’in bu videodaki ana fikri, insanlar ne konuşursa konuşsun, ne derse desin biz yaptığımız işi seviyoruz ve kimseyi dinlemiyoruz ve yaparken eğleniyoruz. Farklı diller konuşup farklı renklere sahip olsak da işin temeli ve ortak fikri nargiledir. Hangi tütünü kullanırsanız kullanın, hangi nargileyi kullanırsanız kullanın ortak paydamız nargiledir. Bu gerçekten çok etkileyici ve ilham verici bir sonuçtu.

Bir fikrim var.(nargile hepimizin) Farklı coğrafyalarda yaşasak, farklı dinlere mensup olsak, farklı ten renklerine sahip olsak da, hepimiz farklı diller konuşsak da ortak paydamız nargiledir. Bu sektörde olmaktan ve sizinle aynı şeyi konuşmaktan çok mutluyum.

Tebrikler RAİM. teşekkürler NARGİLE SAVAŞI


I must say that my favorite contest of HOOKAH BATTLE is mix & story. The main reason why this competition is special for me is that I add a story to all my mixes and keep the mix alive in that story. When we look at the whole competition, it was a really great event that it was included in different countries. Particularly, Japan’s participation with three different competitors is an event to be appreciated. I hope that many competitors from my own country will participate in this competition next year.

I can say that some of the competitors did not fit the idea and logic of the competition and therefore got a low score. In this competition, the main idea is that you need to reflect the feeling of the country or city you live in to the hookah mix that you taste or view.

At first, when I saw Kazakhstan, I thought that the uterus would make a show video, but I can say that the video was a bit dull. A lot of question marks appeared in my mind. But when we came to the last contestant, I guessed that there was a uterus behind the mask and my guess was correct.

When we come to the winner, I want to talk a little bit about why he won and the main idea of ​​the video. First of all, this video was a really impressive video, in general, no matter what country you are from, what religion you have or what language you speak, many people in the world have the same perspective on hookah. those who see our work as unnecessary, those who see it stupid, those who see it irrational, there are too many. The main idea of ​​Rahim in this video is that no matter what people talk or say, we love what we do and we don’t listen to anyone and we have fun while doing it. Even though we speak different languages ​​and have different colors, the basis and common idea of ​​the business is hookah. No matter which tobacco you use, which hookah you use, our common denominator is hookah. This was a very impressive and inspiring result indeed.

I have an idea. in Turkish; NARGİLE HEPİMİZİN.(hookah all our) Even though we live in different geographies, belong to different religions, have different skin colors, even though we all speak different languages, our common unity is hookah. I am so happy to be in this industry and to speak to you the same thing.

Congratulations RAIM. thanks HOOKAH BATTLE


I think the whole show was very long but i enjoyed it a lot. Well done to the crew, marketing team, jury members and most definitely the contestants for bringing in their A GAME! Being one of the contestants myself i would like to talk about the few problems i had in getting the flavors to the Show all the way from South Africa. There was a flavor that i had chosen in my mix that would of been incorporated into my Mix and story but because the courier companies (I tried 6 different companies) did not deliver to Russia.

So after i shot my video and edited it and sent it through. I faced this issue. Which led me into editing my video again and deleting a lot of parts out. Yes my video was so long(many others were long too) but i was hoping by having my Darkside Inspiration slot in where i was explaining why i chose the flavors that i chose, it would be enough. I am so happy that at least the judges loved our video and i even got gifted with a stunning shisha from one of the jury members from Nano Smoke, i truly appreciated being a part of this platform as a contestant this time.
I must say though, The last contestant had an awesome video production but there was nothing relating to any kind of mix, flavors or a story. The judges spoke about my video not having any mix relating to my video(Even though i had in my Darkside Inspiration video before) but here comes the last contestant and he won. His video did touch me and i loved how he interpreted the emotions of being a shisha smoker, but i don’t think he should of won at all. Those are my feelings towards the end result but nothing against the show itself. Everyone did incredibly well and i was just happy to be part of it to showcase our VIBE 🙂


I think the whole show was very long but i enjoyed it a lot. Well done to the crew, marketing team, jury members and most definitely the contestants for bringing in their A GAME! Being one of the contestants myself i would like to talk about the few problems i had in getting the flavors to the Show all the way from South Africa. There was a flavor that i had chosen in my mix that would of been incorporated into my Mix and story but because the courier companies (I tried 6 different companies) did not deliver to Russia.

So after i shot my video and edited it and sent it through. I faced this issue. Which led me into editing my video again and deleting a lot of parts out. Yes my video was so long(many others were long too) but i was hoping by having my Darkside Inspiration slot in where i was explaining why i chose the flavors that i chose, it would be enough. I am so happy that at least the judges loved our video and i even got gifted with a stunning shisha from one of the jury members from Nano Smoke, i truly appreciated being a part of this platform as a contestant this time.
I must say though, The last contestant had an awesome video production but there was nothing relating to any kind of mix, flavors or a story. The judges spoke about my video not having any mix relating to my video(Even though i had in my Darkside Inspiration video before) but here comes the last contestant and he won. His video did touch me and i loved how he interpreted the emotions of being a shisha smoker, but i don’t think he should of won at all. Those are my feelings towards the end result but nothing against the show itself. Everyone did incredibly well and i was just happy to be part of it to showcase our VIBE 🙂


On behalf of the jury, I want to say “thank you” to all the participants! You are all great fellows!
This year I really saw new and interesting ideas at this battle. From myself I would like to note the originality of the two teams “Asakusa” and “Raketa”.
At “Asakusa” the idea of comparing a hookah with the art of origami is very original, because really putting tobacco into a bowl, leaf by leaf, aroma by aroma, we create the same picture as when creating an Origami masterpiece.
“Raketa” also pleased me with the new concept! After all, each of us can take and hide behind the mask of Anonymous! Indeed, after all, we are at the same hookah, we are all equal and everyone of us seems like clear tobacco leaf, but we reveal ourselves in different ways. Which is very symbolic when using unflavored tobacco. as the base with which we all start!

Thanks to all! Keep creating and making everyone happy with your art!


If you want you can watch my live broadcast including German moderation.

Wer möchte kann sich meine Live-Übertragung inklusive deutscher Moderation ansehen:


Thanks to all participants! I see great job of all of them, and all the videos attempt me to traveling and enjoy hookah culture at different countries, congrats to all winners, and big shoutout to Japan participants Captain shisha, I’m anime fan and enjoy the video!


My Response to the Event:

So the idea of Mix n Story is great but the implementation should be revised.
There were too many participants and the whole event went too long. My viewers have criticized that it has dragged on for a long time.
The last participant does not belong in my opinion in the evaluation, because the performance had nothing to do with Mix n Story and He win the Contest? My Community and I cant undertand this. Not even the tobacco was introduced from Anonymus so No one knows what He smoke. We didn’t see anything about the country, and we didn’t see anything about the tobacco mix. So nothing that actually makes up Mix and Story.
Other participants have hit the topic much better

The time between the last participant and the winner of the contest was also too long. Spectators feel easily bored because of this.

The organization was great, the quality in the studio whether sound or video will be hard to beat in the future. Very good work as far as that is concerned.

I would like to say thank you for the great event and that I was allowed to comment on everything, if you keep working on it then it will be a great show next year.


Really love how Arif do commentators thing. He use automatic english subtitles and make a short breaks of video to comment


Video & audio could have been better, there were some issues with mics, should have more and better camera angles etc. It was way to long so I would just get strict with the rules and for example just ban videos that are longer than 5min, and give no or little points if they didn’t get the story to corresponding mix or they didn’t understand the task completely. And have more efficient ranking or scoring (might be first impression after the video and then they could change it after seeing all of them at the end). But overall it was a good event, loooong but good 🙂


I would make a different segment for Darkside Inspiration or even a separate video (doesnt have to be live) as it would take some time off the main event and it would be more clear who participated with what answer. I kept my timeframe on both videos as requested but they were played one after the other making it super long


Waiting for your comments here

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