Direct from St. Petersburg

We continue to tell you about the new flavors we tried at JC! Today we have the legendary Trofimoff`s, and we evaluated 3 new flavors from them. Let’s move on to the rating:

Trofimoff`s X Palitra – Pear Date

Flavor – pear, tasty, nothing else to say, great mono flavor!

Brightness – without acetone, medium brightness

Trofimoff’s – Minttu.

Taste – non-aromatic brewed on minttu liqueur, it conveys mintiness well, refreshing, but it is mostly burley leaf.

Brightness – pleasantly unsaturated.

Trofimoff`s – C-137

Flavor – Non-aromatic from the Cigarro line. 7 varieties of burley from different countries and continents, very similar to Zaghloul, will be liked only by those who likes such flavor, very smoky, with a flavor of dried plum.

The brightness is non-aromatic, so there is nothing to say about the brightness of the flavor.

Final – we tried good and interesting drop for oldschool guys and professionals! Recomend to try in work!



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