Adalya-Index. Wie viele 50 Gramm-Packungen von Adalya können Menschen in verschiedenen Ländern kaufen?
Adalya-Index. Wie viele 50 Gramm-Packungen von Adalya können Menschen in verschiedenen Ländern kaufen?
Um den wirtschaftlichen Prozess für den Durchschnittsbürger verständlich darzustellen, hat man sich verschiedene nicht standardmäßige Indikatoren ausgedacht – zum Beispiel den Big-Mac-Index.
Wir, die Tabakberatungsagentur der Fedotov Group, haben uns entschieden, unseren eigenen Index zu berechnen – den Adalya-Index. Er gibt das Verhältnis des durchschnittlichen Landesgehalts und der durchschnittlichen Kosten der 50 Gramm Packung von Adalya an. Einfach ausgedrückt, wie viele Adalya Packungen können Menschen in verschiedenen Ländern im Durchschnitt für ihr Gehalt kaufen.
Heute ist Adalya in etwa 80 Ländern vertreten, aber nur 19 Distributoren haben uns Preisdaten zur Verfügung gestellt. Wir haben alle Daten verarbeitet, sehen wir uns also die folgenden Ergebnisse an.
Die durchschnittlichen Kosten der 50 Gramm Packung von Adalya:
Die durchschnittlichen Kosten der 50 Gramm Packung Adalya:
Die Anzahl der 50 Gramm Packungen Adalya, die für ein durchschnittliches Gehalt gekauft werden können:
Die Anzahl der 50 Gramm Packungen Adalya, die für ein durchschnittliches Gehalt gekauft werden können:
Top 5 Länder, in denen Adalya am teuersten ist / Top 5 Länder, in denen Adalya am günstigsten ist:
Top 5 Länder, in denen Adalya am teuersten ist / Top 5 Länder, in denen Adalya am günstigsten ist:
Natürlich sind solche Indizes nicht die genauesten Indikatoren. Sie berücksichtigen viele Faktoren nicht, die den Wechselkurs und die Kaufkraft beeinflussen – vom Realeinkommen der Bevölkerung bis zur politischen Situation. Darüber hinaus ist es wichtig, sich an andere Merkmale zur Bestimmung des Preises bestimmter importierter Waren zu erinnern. Beispielsweise wird er in Ländern mit schwacher Währung besonders unterbewertet, um keine Umsätze zu verlieren.
Dennoch kann der Adalya-Index verwendet werden, um wirtschaftliche Veränderungen anhand einfacher Beispiele nachzuvollziehen. Dank eines solchen Index kann eine Person, die weit von der Wirtschaft entfernt ist, den Unterschied in den Kosten von Waren oder Dienstleistungen grob abschätzen.
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This study to me is not representative because it‘s based on a view of 1 brand. Price of 50g of Adalya does not necessary be an indicator for hookah business around the world. Plus there is a huge mistake in it regarding Germany. For Germany they indicate a usd price retail of 5,68/ pack, and same time they pretend that germans therefore could afford 823 packs. That would automatically mean that germans would have as an average sallary a net fee of 4674,64 usd/ month – which can not be correct.
And off course adalya is a world wide brand but these kind of market studies usually is called the burger index, economy and consultants do check pricing worldwide of big mac from McDonalds and that works because it‘s all over the world.
But a tobacco product from just one brand with high excise taxes to me is hard to compare. Still though it‘s a good study because it gives a good overview about taxation. But that kind u could better do in using official government stats. And than do sample calcs for different products like must have or darkside and off course also adalya.
Dear Tino, thank you for your comment.
Yes, we understand, that any statistic based on 1 brand is not fully representative. Same time, the information just about Taxes are not correct: the idea of Adalya Index is similar to Big Mac. The price per 1 pack might be different from country to country, but at the end, important is how many packs you can buy for average salary of regular worker.
Based on official statistic from Germany, the minimum salary in Germany is 1647 EUR per month, and average is 4035 EUR per month. We were focused on average salary in each country, thats why here we took information about 4035 EUR. This is a data for 2021 from official German Statistic.
Regarding the price, we took the Retail Price for Adalya in Germany (which 4,90 EUR per pack 50 gm) in 2021. And if you do the calculation, you will have the same numbers, what we had. And yes, it might be small changes, because we had to convert EUR to USD.
Adalya has the biggest numbers of markets, thats why we choosed this brand, because based on Adalya price we can make statistic in 80-90 countries. This year 2021 we did research only in 19 countries.
Meanwhile, we are open for any comments, because we want to make the first hookah index in a world, and on this way we can have many issues and questions: we are open to answer all of them!
P.S. I am sure, that many years ago it was same discussion: should it be Big Mac or Whooper statistic 🙂 At the end, the agency decide, which brand is more well-known and more presented on a market. Our decision to make calculation based on Adalya brand.
Like i said it should be based on more than one brand but still it’s a good study…
But in terms of salary there obviously is a miss understanding.. Since 01.01.22 the min salary per hour was raised to 9,82€ / hour as a gross salary, which means that from that still taxes and loan side costs are to be paid. At a 160 hours standard job that means 1571,21€ gross salary, which results in a net payment of 1178,31 for a single man, 25 years old and 1251,69 for a married man, 35 years old, 1 child.
Average salary of full time worker right now in Germany, based on figures out of 2020 form would be 3.975 and if all jobs (part time and mini jobs) are included it would be 3.092 € / month gross which results in net payment of 2.084,- € / month. So that means either you miss understood stats or got wrong figures. But anyway it’s not a big issue… As we know each other for many years i am always happy to help, if there is any questions about Germany or German market. So based on a price of 4,95€ /50g of Adalya people in Germany could afford 421 packs if not spending money for basics like food and rent.. but that is not the questions because study just compares what would be possible in each country as I understood from it.
So Germany in end does not look as good as it was shown before.. 😉
But still it’s a good study…
The average price of Adalya in Australia is $30.00 AUD. That is about $22.00 USD.
Thank you! We did not recieved information about prices in Australia on time, thats why it will be in index 2022.
I think, this info may change the country leader of rating. Eugeniy Fedotov, can you include Australia into your rating?
Thank you for such good content. The most beautiful hookah content I’ve seen lately..
We can help you with data from Turkey”
Thanks to Fedotov Group, that’s a really interesting study. Does it mean for hookah tobacco manufacturers that it’s more reasonable to pay attention to the USA hookah market than to the French hookah market?
Well, it is just show to us, that any French smoker need to pay more for tobacco, that his friend from US. Based on this info, the Producer need to decide what to do.