Zipsmoke LED hose✨
Hello Dear Community
We are Zipsmoke
A young startup company from Switzerland. We have developed a very special sleeve for the hookah hose.
The whole consists of a high quality silicone hose, 2 rechargable batteries and charging cable and 1 sleeve.
Each sleeve is handmade and therefore we also attach great importance to the quality.
The basic idea was to equip hookah lounges with it. Through the modern design and the uniqueness it is definitely an eye-catcher.
- What do you hookah lounge owners think of it?
Leave us a comment!
Important: We raffle on 24.03.2022
2 Zipsmoke packages to the best rated comment!
Follow us on Insta: Zip.smoke
Kind regards from Switzerland
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Хорошая вещь и безусловно интересная, но требует доведения до ума!
А в целом – я бы приобрёл потестил.
Все зависит от освещённости заведения, если света более чем много, то эффект от этих шлангов будет минимальным и бесполезным, если в условиях неонового освещения или светодиодной ленты, ещё можно подумать и применить как этакий доп дизайн и стиль.
Возникает ряд вопросов: насколько долговечен сей продукт, плюс, учитывая, что это все таки материал силикон, который впитывает в себя запахи, его придётся с периодичностью заменять, плюс каков изначальный прайс на сей продукт
Hello dear Alnchv
Thank you for your comment.
Regards to your questions:
1. The product is durable for many of years without problem. It cant break provided that it will be used right.
2. The package comes include a Softtouch silicone hose. The ‘Lighteffect » comes from a special sleeve that you have to wrap around the silicone hose. Therefore you can use any art of hose with the length of 1,5m. The sleeve do not absorb flavors or something. And if it do, you can easily wash it with soap without damage anything.
3. You can see the price in our website. We also can make offers to Customers if they want to buy more stardust’s.
FYI: The sleeve is handmade. So is the quality very good.
1. Как часто надо заряжать аккумуляторы?
2. Какие аккумуляторы и соответственно зарядное устройство?
3. Насколько это снижает гибкость шланга?
4. Насколько вся конструкция тяжелая? Я так понимаю сильная нагрузка идет на коннектор, который у шахты
Hello Dear Diskette lounge
1. Batterie light duration is about 3-5h depend of what lightmode is used. Charging time is around 1h. Especially for lounges, we can offer a lot of Batterys and special 10x usb docking stations. So the batterys will get all charged in one place and you got always reserve batterys.
2. They are 2pieces of rechargable batterys 240mah with a integrated rgb controller and 2 usb micro cables.
3. The flexibility do not get reduced much. I would say around 10% ? It is very comfortable because we use material that can be stretched.
4. The sleeve include battery is around 150gramm i would say? It is very light because we use special fiber optic cables.
Идея прикольная конечно. Но вот внешне выглядит как-то дешево , хотя вроде ребята из Швейцарии. Если доработать, было бы интересно попробовать.
Dear Razuevartem
I can promise to you, it is everything but not cheap.
We put a lot of time to our sleeves and product and every piece is handmade. Yes we are from switzerland and quality and perfection is for us everything.
Best regards
Mika CEO of Zipsmoke Switzerland