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Kaloud has announced the release of a new heat controller. Kaloud Lotus I+3. Crafted with precision and built to last, this Heat Management Device is made from premium stainless steel and aluminumWith three unique finishes—Argis (Silver), Auris (Gold), and Niris (Black) Of note, this heat controller costs $80, and includes a lifetime warranty.(provided that you do not warm it up on the stove or open fire xD)

#heat controller
#heat management
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After years of waiting Kaloud is releasing a Stainless Steel Kaloud Lotus 1+.  The base plate is stainless steel while the body remains aluminum.  The lid has been updated to allow for more charcoal to fit inside.  It will come in 3 colors, Black, Gold and Silver. 

#new product
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The announcement of a new flavor from Bonche – Brownie.Brownie – “exquisite dessert, the taste of which is able to impress even the most demanding gourmet. Under the glossy chocolate crust there is a delicate, slightly moist texture that just melts in your mouth.” Kaloud and the Italian brand Olla Bowls have announced their new collaboration! The guys made several different models. Of note, each of them, according to the…

#new flavor
#olla bowls
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Jam has released a new flavor – Berry marmalade.”It is distinguished by a bright berry bouquet and the sweetness of marmalade. A great choice for lovers of sweet flavors.” And also another unusual accessory – Ayara from Kaloud As they say on the company’s website:”The World’s first true filter for hookah smoke, the Kaloud® Ayara® Activated Carbon Filter Pod is designed to significantly reduce harm from gases and particles that…

#new flavor
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Probably many people associate Kaloud only with the heat controller, but this company produces a lot of things.⠀The other day they announced their universal Kaloud Multi Adventure Weekender Bag:⠀ the company’s website says – “Whether you are collecting a hookah, preparing for a weekend trip, going to the gym, going to yoga or experiencing nostalgia for the good old sleepover, this bag will help you,” Or here’s another new product…

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Tell us how long have you been in the industry?As for me, my passion for hookahs began 12 years ago, of course it was a Chinese mini hookah for 400 rubles. In 2013, after several hookahs, I came up with the idea to draw a hookah on my own and give it to a familiar turner for manufacturing. The hookah was made as a test piece of ordinary steel, which…

#На Грани
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Расскажите как и как давно вы попали в кальянную индустрию? Касаемо меня, мое увлечение кальянами началось 12 лет назад, естественно это был китайский мини кальян за 400 рублей. В 2013 году после нескольких китайских кальянов пришла в голову идея самостоятельно начертить кальян и отдать знакомому токарю на изготовление. Кальян был сделан в качестве пробного экземпляра из обычной стали, вследствие чего безбожно ржавел, но сама концепция самостоятельного изготовления кальяна казалось в…

#На грани
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Let me introduce you to our new Jury member of Hookah Battle: Hello Romeo! You are the first man from Portugal hookah community I’ve met and very curios what is your hookah business in Portugal?My hookah business consist in a bar/restaurant, inala is the name.I also have commercial part, selling of course  everything about hookah and accessories.All in exclusive distribution, tobacco included.Can you please tell your story how (and when)…

#Hookah lounge
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Позвольте представить вам нашего нового члена жюри Hookah Battle: Привет, Ромео! Ты первый человек из кальянного сообщества Португалии, с которым я познакомился, расскажи какой у тебя бизнес?Мой бизнес состоит из кальян бара/ресторана, inala – это название.А так-же коммерческой части, продажи, все о кальянах и аксессуарах.Все в эксклюзивной дистрибуции, включая табак.Расскажи, как ты попал в кальянную индустрию.Итак, мои родители были эмигранты из Португалии во Францию, поэтому я родился в Париже, и…

#Al Fakher
#Hookah Battle
#Hookah lounge
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Сегодня наткнулся на просто невероятный пример оформления калаудов. Пермский мастер Константин Горбунов выполняет ручную гравировку в стиле викторианской росписи. Если вкратце, этот процесс происходит следующим образом – гравёр фиксирует будущее изделие и при помощи специального инструмента – штихеля вырезает узор. Штихель — главный инструмент для гравировки по металлу. Он представляет из себя острый и прочный резец снабженный полукруглой деревянной или пластмассовой рукояткой для упора ладонью. Режущая кромка может быть разной…

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https://patents.google.com/patent/US9237770B2/en A Hookah Heat Management Accessory comprising a base plate configured to rest on the tobacco bowl sitting on the top of a Hookah and which conducts heat from charcoal, or other heat source, to the tobacco beneath it; an insulating wall connected to the base plate; an inner lid that mates to the aforementioned wall piece; and an outer lid that is loosely attached to the inner lid allowing…

#heat management
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Watch Video: https://vimeo.com/643947650 Business Insights: https://business-insights.intertabac.de/media-center Ilya Bychkov – the head of Voskurimsya company – #1 distributor of European hookahs in Russia (Wookah, Kaloud, Steamulation, Nargilem, Ocean Hookah, Nargilem e.t.c.) Questions: 1. What is the short story of Voskurimsya company? How long are you in the Hookah Industry? 2. You started your business to import foreign hookahs when the Russian market didn’t have its own manufacturers. In 2021 there are around 40-50…

#ocean hookah
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