300 shisha models at home collection! Interview with Aaron from Germany.

Hello Aaron! During my trip to Czechia shisha festival Ostrava v Dymu we had a good guest a contestant of Hookahbattle Slavic Cup from Germany Tobias, who told me about his friend (you) who have the biggest collection of shisha modules from all over the world.

Can you please tell a little bit about yourself and how did you start to make your collection and when did you start?

Hello Stanislav , first of all thank you for inviting me to this interview ! To be honest i don’t know if it‘s the biggest collection all over the world , there are many great collectors and i think there might be some undercover. Also it was never my intention to get a collection that big.

But let’s start at the very beginning. My name is Aaron , 27 years old and from Germany. It all started in 2017. I bought my first hookah ever , an Amy Deluxe SS06 .

As time passed by i visited the Shishamesse in 2019 and got intersted in the russian hookah culture . I experienced so many new stuff such as Darkside and all those amazing looking russian hookahs i saw there . I got deeper into it and bought my first quality brand Hookah , a Wookah.

After that Alpha Hookah got quite popular here in Germany and i hopped on the hype train .

I bought my next few hookahs and once i got 10 , i said no more. This didn’t go quite as planned lol . But you know , for me hookahs are art and fascinating . Each piece is unique and got different features or is themed to an different topic and so my collection started to grow .

Can you please calculate: how many models do you have currently?

Currently i should have around ~300 Hookahs . Many of them still sealed.

What do other people think or how your friends react to your collection?

The first reaction is always „WOW“ but my friends got used to it really quick. I don’t always talk about how much i have. It‘s not important to me.

For many strangers it‘s kinda weird , which i totally understand . But the only important view for me on this , is from my girlfriend! She‘s also into hookah and tolerates the big collection . Which means a lot to me .

What is your top 3 the most favorite models?

This is a really good question … there are so many awesome brands. But since my first Japona Hookah , i fell in love with this brand . It’s the biggest part of my collection ( should be near 30 ) ,and my personal number 1 . The Amur is my favorite model here!

Second place goes to Matt Pear , classic design , perfect for daily and great quality. Especially the Mini … they are always on the table haha. You just gotta love it.

The third place is quite difficult to choose for me … i think there should be 2 brands : Union Hookah

& Hoob .

Both are a very good choice with high quality hookahs , which are always a pleasure to smoke. Especially the Fibonacci for Union and the Mars for Hoob.

What is the most expensive model from your collection?

I think it‘s my Solomon Hookah

or my Maklaud Bonche Edition.

The Solomon is priced high but the Bonche is more rare. But emotionally it‘s my first Wookah Walnut. It was my first quality Hookah and if i got to choose one to keep , it’ll be this one.

Have you ever thought to somehow use this collection in a practical way? Like open a lounge where you can make it like a museum?

Yes , of course! To open a Lounge is a dream , but it’s not easy here in Germany. But if i do , i probably will only use a few from my collection and buy new ones for the Lounge. I already have everything in my mind haha . Let‘s see what the future brings …

Which one shisha from your collection is the most easy to use? Like easy to handle and prepare quick to smoke?

There is only one answer for me -> Matt Pear Mini . My absolute favorite for everyday use!

How do you think how much cost all your collection in total?

Ouh i think it equals a brand new Mercedes AMG lol

Have you ever tried EHMD hookah? Where system dont use electronic heat of tobacco instead of charcoal?

Such as ehmd from Aeon, Hookamonk from Czech or Alfakher Ooka with tobacco capsules

Yes i had the opportunity to try them at Shishamesse and the Ookah at a Lounge.

I personally don’t like them. It does not replace a Kaloud with Charcoal for me. I think especially Ooka is an nice opportunity for Cafes, who don’t know anything about Hookah. It‘s easy to use and is great for customers whom are not deep into that game. But maybe in the future i give them another try.

What is your favorite TOP 3 shisha tobacco brands? And TOP 3 shisha tobacco flavors?

That’s a tough one … the problem is i love cigar blends but i do enjoy burleys ones as well haha

But at the moment my number 1 is Trofimoff . I love their aromas and it‘s pretty smooth to smoke . My number 2 is hard to decide … it should be Bonche and Dogma together. And the third place goes to Blackburn(including Overdose), they got awesome flavors and it never get‘s boring.

Now to my top flavours for the moment:

1 Trofimoff Dark Plum

2 Bonche Brownie

3 Overdose Maraschino Cherry

Is there any shishas you want to buy but have not done it yet? Or is there something what you are looking for?

There is actually one on the list … Kalyan Bali Dragon . Thinking about it for years , but somehow don’t have it in my collection yet lol

Otherwise i have everything i want for now.

Aaron Instagram

#hookah head hunt
#alpha hookah
#black burn
#Japona hookah
#Kalyan Bali
#Ostrova v Dymu
#Solomon hookah
#Union Hookah



Очень крутое интервью !) Интересно где он хранит столько кальянов, это целый склад нужен под такое количество или гараж.


Жирно жирно мое почтение)


Это просто ошеломительная коллекция ) Очень круто, что есть такие любители.


What a amazing and big collection. Japona Amur also one of my favourite hookahs currently.

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