#alpha hookah
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Hello Aaron! During my trip to Czechia shisha festival Ostrava v Dymu we had a good guest a contestant of Hookahbattle Slavic Cup from Germany Tobias, who told me about his friend (you) who have the biggest collection of shisha modules from all over the world. Can you please tell a little bit about yourself and how did you start to make your collection and when did you start? Hello…

#hookah head hunt
#alpha hookah
#black burn
#Japona hookah
#Kalyan Bali
#Ostrova v Dymu
#Solomon hookah
#Union Hookah
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Привет, Аарон! Во время моей поездки на чешский кальянный фестиваль Ostrava v Dymu у нас был хороший гость – участник HookahBattle Slavic Cup из Германии – Тобиас, который рассказал мне о своем друге (тебе), у которого самая большая коллекция кальянов со всего мира.- Расскажите, пожалуйста, немного о себе, как и когда вы начали собирать свою коллекцию? Здравствуйте, Станислав, и прежде всего, спасибо, что пригласили меня на интервью! Честно говоря, я не…

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Athletes, here we are getting to the review of JC’s new products! First in line is a new tobacco – JOY.The product presented at JC FEST, in a line of 15 flavors. It was created by our friends from Alpha Hookah. So of course we stopped by their new booth to sample it. The blend consists of two leaves of Burley. One hails from sunny region of Tuscany, the other…

#alpha hookah
#full line
#John Calliano
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Спортсмены, вот мы и добрались до обзора новинок JC! Первым на очереди идёт новый табак — JOY. Продукт представленный на JC FEST, в линейке из 15 ароматов. Его создали наши друзья из Alpha Hookah. Поэтому мы, конечно же, зашли к ним на новый стенд, чтобы оценить. Бленд состоит из двух листов Burley. Один родом из солнечной Тосканы, другой – из южного региона Бразилии. Изготавливается JOY на производстве BURN. Крепость —…

#Alpha Hookah
#john calliano
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New model from Satyr x Himera.A product of joint cooperation dedicated to the tenth anniversary of Satyr. The columns of the universally famous Kazan Cathedral, a cultural monument from the brand’s native city, were taken as a basis. Anodized stainless steel and glazed ceramic inserts. Two new bowls from ALPHA BOWLRace PRO – bowl made of high—strength German ceramics. It has the possibility of customization (there is a recess for…

#Alpha bowl
#alpha hookah
#New hookah
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Northern announced the release of a new flavor in the Professional line:FLORAL — a unique floral taste of rose and lavender with bright eucalyptus at the base. ALPHA HOOKAH’s BEAT VNDL hookah update: a new nameplate on the base; the cover and handle of the mouthpiece are made of anodized aluminum; the engraving on the cover and on the tray has been updated; the diffuser now has 3 positions; two…

#alpha hookah
#new flavor
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Alpha Hookah showed the model Beat with new metal nameplates on the base and bright overlays with „Splash“ engraving. Details about new flavors from Original VirginiaPINK TONIC – refreshing drink based on grapefruit, complemented by the mild aroma of peony. A pleasant tart aroma with a floral-citrus aftertaste. BLACK HALLS — the sweetness of cane mint and the subtle aroma of sage in the invigorating aroma of popular refreshing lollipops.

#alpha hookah
#new flavor
#New hookah
#Original Virginia Tobacco
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ALPHAHOOKAH has released a new MISHA REVOLT HERO GYPSY model for sale.The hookah is available in two colors Gypsyking gold and Gypsyking black. „The skeleton and the submerged part of the mine are coated with a titanium nitride compound. It is thanks to him that they have a golden hue. For those who like to live luxuriously!“ Bowl from WOOKAH – Funnel Flow „Crafted from high-quality clay that is heat-resistant…

#alpha hookah
#New hookah
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За последние годы у нас (HookahBattle) появилось много партнеров – кальянных брендов из разных стран, которые присылали нам свои 20-секундные видеоролики о своем продукте или бренде для демонстрации членам нашего сообщества. Нам интересно, какое видео является лучшим? У всех этих роликов одна задача: международная (мультиязычная) аудитория должна понять идею о демонстрируемом продукте или бренде.В день рождения HookahBattle 30 августа мы хотим провести экспериментальное мероприятие: Ads Hookah Battle. Мы привлечем членов…

#Diskette lounge
#hookah head hunt
#Starbuzz vintage
#al fakher
#alpha hookah
#Hookah Battle
#hookah john
#На Грани
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For the recent years we (HookahBattle) have had many shisha brands partners from different countries which have sent us their 20 seconds video about their product or brand to be shown for our community members.  We are curious which video is the best one? All these videos has the next task: international (multilanguage) auditory should understand the idea about shown product or brand.On the date of HookahBattle Birthday 30th August we…

#Al Fakher
#Alpha Hookah
#diskette lounge
#hookah head hunt
#hookah john
#starbuzz vintage
#На грани
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Meanwhile, brands continue to congratulate HookahPlace on their 10th anniversary.Anniversary limited edition Chabacco flavor for HookahPlace — Tropic Smoothie!Tropic smoothie – combination of sweet and sour mango and ripe pineapple with notes of bright ripe raspberries. Na Grani has released a stainless steel heat controller in the company’s anniversary identity HookahPlace!High quality metal processing, reliable, durable and durable construction. Alpha Hookah has released a limited collection of tobacco forks.The fork…

#alpha hookah
#new flavor
#На Грани
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Еще на прошедшей выставке HCS2022 были анонсы, но без каких либо подробностей, о том что ближе к лету Alpha Hookah представят свой новый бренд – MISHA И вот на днях новый суббренд презентовал свою первую модель:Ей оказался очень бюджетный кальян. Всего было представлено 10расцветок. А цена – РРЦ – 4490₽

#Alpha Hookah
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interview with first participants, history and future of Hookah Battle. We have translated english subs for this video (turn on eng. subs on youtube video settings)

#alpha hookah
#John Calliano
#lounge award
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 Интервью с первыми участниками, разговоры об истории и будущем Hookah Battle

#Alpha Hookah
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