Video advertisement of shisha brands: ADS HookahBattle 2023
For the recent years we (HookahBattle) have had many shisha brands partners from different countries which have sent us their 20 seconds video about their product or brand to be shown for our community members.
We are curious which video is the best one? All these videos has the next task: international (multilanguage) auditory should understand the idea about shown product or brand.
On the date of HookahBattle Birthday 30th August we want to make an experimental event: Ads Hookah Battle. We will attract Jury members – people who have a professional expirience in the international shisha industry marketing to watch and eveluate 20 ADS videos from our collection.
But the problem is that we have more than 45 such a videos. We would like ask our community members to help us select 20 videos from 45 in the comments section:
Its gonna be 45 comments: each comment: – info about brand + their 20 seconds video. Vote for each comment: “+” or “-“.
You should be our verified community member to vote for comment
The voting ends on 23rd August: we will randomly select the person who voted in this post and give invitation to VIP party: 12 years HookahBattle Ship party birthday or gift box shipping from HookahBattle (up to choice)
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BlackCoco’s – german brand of charcoal for shisha. Usually they have a really big zones on europeen expos (ShishaMesse), been our charcoal partner in some event, and additionaly want to give a few words about their shishamaster Abdulmelik – he participated in many hookahbattle events, and this guy is really talanted. On the next video you will see the short presentation of BlackCoco’s:
darkside +
Nanosmoke – shisha models manufacturer from Russia, St. Petersburg. They focus on plexiglass materials which helps to create hookah models with unusual and functional design by affordable price. The video:
VULCAN – the manufacturer of professional hookah stoves from Russia. This brand have a great popularity among russian shisha masters and lounges. Does this video present their product good?
Hookah Hub – our international collaborative blogging platform for people who work in the hookah industry. Yes right now you read this post in Hookah Hub. We have made this promo video in 2019 and we want you to judge it as well:
Hookah Head Hunt – video number 2, made by our former employee Kirill Fedorischev:
Hookah Head Hunt – international online service to find a job in the hookah industry. In 2019 we have asked our community members to record a 20 sec video AD for us. Daniil Volodarskiy our expirienced contestant made this video for us. Does it works well for the Hookah Head Hunt online service?
CocoUrth – charcoal brand manufactured in Indonesia, the brand founded in USA. CocoUrth been our charcoal partner for several years. They have a big distributio network around the world and additionaly I should say about their merchandise: t-shirts, tongs and other branded things they have are very very nice. What will we think about their video?
FUMARI – shisha tobacco manufacturer brand from USA. Fumari been our partner as “Light shisha tobacco category” of many hookahbattle events, thanks for them. In this video which we have used in 2019, Fumari want to underline their ambassadors. What do you think about it?
Maklaud – shisha models manufacturer from Russia, Ekaterinburg. I should additionaly say that guys also manufacture different statuettes and awards for the different shows, like John Calliano or HookahBattle which gives them an additional respect. Many people around the world know Maklaud by their unusual design limited shisha models, which they product by limited edition parts. Lets eveluate their short ads video:
ODUMAN – shisha brand models manufacturer from Turkey. Oduman is a company with a long history, they do some fresh designs of shishas by affordable price. Would you like to know more after watching next video?
Japona Hookah – shisha brand models manufacturer from Russia, St. Petersburg. Japona is focused on stylish luxury style shisha models. Im personaly a big fan of their model Shuriken. Lets watch the video we have:
Alpha Hookah – another video
DARKSIDE – already have a company description here in another comment. This is another short video, that we have used in our shows
Mazaya – shisha tobacco brand (blond leaf, light tobacco) from Jordan. I know this brand is super popular and have many fans in Arabic countries. Will their video attract your attention?
AIRCRAFT – brand manufacturer of cigar based shisha tobacco product. I like the idea about their identity – everything about flight or airport style culture. Would you like to know more about this brand after watching this video?
MISHA – sub brand from Alpha Hookah. Cheap small and stylish shisha models.
Starbuzz NAR – been a partner as “Heat Management Device” for some of our events. I like the unusual design of this product, what will we say about video?
Holster – tobacco brand manufacturer from Germany. Pretty trending now and getting more and more representatives in a different countries. I like their presentation model on the expos – booth with the ability to all the guest smoke Holster and drink a cocktail from professional bartenders for free. What will we think about their video presentation?
Cocoloco – premium charcoal for shisha manufactured in Indonesia, brand founded in Russia. This brand have many fans from the professional shisha community. Lets watch their ads video:
Stabuzz Wood Line – wooden shisha model from Starbuzz. Been HookahBattle partner in the category of “Design shisha models”. Video-presention about this product is next:
QUASAR – innovative manufacturer from France. Our partner in the category of “Heat Management Device”. Their product RAAS (combined system of glass bowl + HMD) gain worldwide popularity. Will you be interested to get one RAAS after watching this video?
Another video from Al-Fakher that we have used in some of our shows. This video is focused on “Al-Fakher Nation” community:
Chabacco – manufacturer of tea-based smoking mixture from Russia. Been a partner in a category of “Substitue mixtures” of some our events. This company do a great marketing on the different levels. Have a great product with nice aroma, Im personaly a big fan of the flavor Pomello from Chabacco. What will you think about their video?
HYPE – the manufacturer of different products from Russia (bowls, tongs, substitute mixters) created by John Calliano team. Lets watch the video about this brand:
Contrabanda – shisha tobacco brand from Russia, they have started their business not long ago compare to other famous brands. Been our partner in the category of “Heavy Shisha Tobacco” of some events. Take a look on their promo video, does it stimulate you to order some sample?
Himera – shisha models manufacturer from Russia, St. Petersburg. I really apriciate that their company leader been not only the partner of HookahBattle but also the contestant of many our events. Their models looks stylish and luxury, but what will you say about the video?
Art Hookah Family and Tangiers Lounges – been our “Lounge category” partner in some events. Guys have a big chain of shisha lounges in several countries. Would you like to visit some of their lounge after watching this video?
AEON – shisha models manufacturer from Germany. For sure one of the market leaders of their country. They have a lot of fans and followers. What will you say about their video?
Alpha Hookah – shisha models manufacturer from Russia, St. Petersburg. I remember how they gain global popularity with their “X” Model in 2018-2019. Some experts say thay at the moment its number 1 brand of their category in Russian market. How do you like their video presentation?
Intertabak – is one of the oldest and respectfull tobacco expo coming from Germany, Dortmund city. Been our partner in the category “Expo partner” of some events. Does this video stimulates you to become a visitor or exhibitor of their expo?
MattPear – shisha models manufacturer from Russia. In some years been one of the leading shisha models brand in Russia. Gain big popularity worldwide. I like the style of thier product packaging – like iphone. Lets see what do you think about their video:
Al-Fakher – one of the largest shisha tobacco manufacturer. As remember Al-Fakher been our partner for HookahBattle USA Cup event and next video been provided by their US representative:
Oblako Bowls – another video, another opinion:
DARKSIDE – yes you might know DARKSIDE, since its our oldest partner of HookahBattle thanks to them. DARKSIDE CORP — well-known global brand manufacturer of hookah tobacco, hookahs and hookah accessories. What do you think about their video?
DARKSIDE определенно лучшие видео рекламные которые я тут увидел )
HoneySigh – shisha manufacturer from Russia. They have a big range of models and some of them are pretty cheap. As I know they have shipped many vendors outside Russia. Time to judge their video:
Franichise of Diskette shisha lounge. Yep thats my video and I want you to judge it. This 20 seconds movie should stimulate you to watch 1 hour video presentation about the idea of Diskette Lounge and later send me a message with a request to open a franchise lounge. Will this video stimulates you to do this?
Softsmoke – shisha manufacturer from Russia, St. Petersburg. Its a pretty big factory and I know they do a contract manufacturing for other well known shisha brands as well. Softsmoke is their own model which been our partner in many events in the category of “Classic shisha manufacturer”. Most of their models are staneless steel, have a good quality on affordable price. Would you like to check Softsmoke shisha after watching this video?
Oblako – manufaturer of shisha bowls from Russia. Gain extreme popularity because of their design and quality in the world shisha market starting from 2019. When people see their product pictures in instagram – they just fall in love with it. I remember how many people in 2019-2020 sent me a message how to buy Oblako bowls? Our partner in many events in the category of “Shisha Bowls”. Lets watch their promo video, its pretty unusual:
Brusko – our “Substitute Mixture Partner”. This brand originaly came from vaping industry and they have created for the shisha market non-tobacco smoking product based on sudaneese rose. Pretty popular in Russia because it costs cheap and have nice aroma. Do you like the vibes on their video and does it stimulates you to partner-up with them?
CWP or Custom Water Pipes – brand founded in Russia, but as I know they have a manufacturing in China. These guys are one of the pioners of shisha industry in Russia, been one of the first who’ve made some unusual shishas. Hookah Boss (Kirill Glushenko) have presented glass type of CWP shisha on very first HookahBattle event on 2011 and took 1st place of the tournament. Today you can find some CWP brand shisha in luxury restaurants and lounges. Lets eveluate their promo video:
Cocobrico – the manufacturer of coconut shisha charcoal from Indonesia. One of the pioneers of shisha industry. As I know they’ve been the inventors of cubic form of charcoal which you know from many manufacturers nowadays. Will this video inspire you to change your charcoal to Cocobrico?
Upgrade Form Bowls – shisha bowls manufacturer from Russia, St. Petersburg city. They’ve been one of the pioneers of bowls manufacturing on the Russian market. Their bowl are cheap and have a great quality. Would you like to get one after the next video presentation?
Hookamonk – innovative shisha manufacturer from Czech Republic, our partner as “Electronic Heat Management Devices”. In 2021-2023 many professionals say that EHMD is the future of shisha global industry. On this video they present their shisha model with EHMD – WARP. You can smoke high quality shisha without charcoal. Will you be interested into this product after watching this video?
Hookah John Bowls – the video been made by the most popular shisha blogger from the United States – Hookah John. Many professional shisha masters know HJ bowls, especially such a models as Alien or 80 feet bowls. Will you get interest to these bowls after watching next video?
NaGrani – shisha manufacturer from Russia, Izhevsk city: they are popular with their Heat Management Device made of staneless steel. Many times they’ve been our partners in a category HMD partner. Will you get interest to buy NaGrani HMD after watching this video?