Electronic visa to visit Russia (52 countries availible)
Good news for our friends who are willing to visit some events we organize in Russia:
If you are the citizen of: Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Turkey (see the full list of 52 countries here)
Starting from the 01th August 2023 you can apply fast, easy and convinient electronic visa to visit Russia,👉 on this official website you can send your application and get visa in a 4 days!
To obtain electronic visa, a foreigner will only need to fill out an application in an electronic form on a special website or in a mobile application. The application must be submitted no later than 4 days before the expected date of entry. A single electronic visa will be paid and will give the right to a single entry and stay in the country on a guest or business visit, for tourism purposes, as well as to participate in scientific, cultural, sports and other events. Its validity period is 60 days, and the permitted period of stay is no more than 16 days from the date of entry into the country. The list of foreign countries whose citizens will be able to apply for a single electronic visa includes 52 countries, but this list is planned to be expanded.
Additional info citizens of which countries DO NOT NEED any visa (even electronic) to visit Russia:
Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, “non-citizens” of Estonia and Latvia.
Argentina, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Venezuela, Guyana, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Israel, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mongolia, Nicaragua, UAE, Peru, North Macedonia, Serbia, Thailand, Uruguay, Fiji, Montenegro, Chile, Ecuador, South Africa and South Korea
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