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New flavors are being released by the brand from Perm – Muassel.Lychee Lemonade — “the combination of the refreshing taste of lychee and light bubbles gives moments of pleasure. The taste of lychee is refreshing and uplifting, and lime juice adds a playful note, creating a harmony of aroma.”Exotic fruits — “imagine a sunny paradise where ripe passion fruit, sweet guava, juicy kiwi and mango create perfect harmony.”Tomato with pepper…

#new flavor
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Are you familiar with a product called Muassel?This brand has more than 20 flavors and as many as 3 lines that differ in both strength and tobacco blends. We received 10 flavors and are ready to tell you about them as well as our feelings on all 3 lines. Muassel – GuamangoPleasant taste of mango and guava, sour-sweet, but lacks brightness, richness of flavor. The strength of the line -…

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Знакомы ли вы с продуктом под названием Muassel?Этот бренд имеет более 20 вкусов и целых 3 линейки, которые отличаются как по крепости, так и по блендам табака. Мы получили 10 вкусов и готовы рассказать вам о них, а также о наших ощущениях по всем 3 линейкам. Muassel — ГуамангоПриятный вкус манго и гуавы, кисло-сладкий, но не хватает яркости, насыщенности вкуса. Крепость линейки — лёгкая, умеренная, скажем на каждый день)Muassel —…

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