#clay king
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BONCHE x Clay king – Mark TwainAnother addition to the Bonche Museum is the bowl of Mark Twain, a famous writer and author of books that have become classics of world literature. The bust of Mark Twain became the sixth in the Bonche collection, which we continue to replenish with images of personalities associated with the cigar culture. Manual actively continues to release new flavors:BOURBON – This whiskey has a sweet but…

#clay king
#Manual Tobacco
#new flavor
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A bust of Sigmund Freud by Clay King specially for Bonche, the founder of psychoanalysis and the author of a considerable number of ideas that cause controversy in scientific circles to this day, is added to the collection of bowls. The bust of Sigmund Freud became the fifth in the Bonche collection, which the team continues to replenish with images of personalities associated with the cigar culture.You can see the…

#clay king
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The bowl is a bust of the legendary Latin American revolutionary – Ernesto Che Guevara. The bust of Che Guevara is the fourth in the Bonche collection, which is gradually replenished with images of personalities associated with tobacco culture. Recall the previous models in the collection: Don Alejandro Robaina (a legend in the cigar industry)Sir Winston ChurchillArnold Alois Schwarzenegger

#clay king
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Бюст Уинстона Черчилля – это вторая скульптурная чаша в коллекции Bonche. Выбор не случайный, Уинстон – пожалуй, самая известная политическая фигура, с которой ассоциируются сигары. Он отличался своим пристрастием к хорошим сигарам и качественному коньяку. Напомню, что первая была посвящена Алехандро Робайна (легенда сигарной индустрии, высокоуважаемый табаковод с Кубы, сохранивший технологии производства табачных листьев, переданных ему от отца и деда – представителей старейшей табачной династии). Компания планирует собрать всех выдающихся личностей…

#Clay King
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