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New limited edition hookah from HookahplaceOldSchool Black Gold — updated version of the classic model, released for the relaunch of the legendary HookahPlace Lubyanka A new flavor from the NorthernYuzu-Cola — sweet cola with a bright citrus flavor of yuzu.

#new flavor
#New hookah
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Dogma presents an experimental project created in honor of 4 great artists-smokers, with a new form factor — a cigarilla for hookah.The first one is «Gabo» — in honor of one of the leaders of the avant—garde, a constructivist sculptor of the early XX century, a native of Bryansk — Naum Gabo.The cigarilla was created together with the Pogar tobacco Factory — like the Bryansk one. Composition:Cigar leaf from Indonesia,…

#new flavor
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Satyr in collaboration with HookahPlace is preparing a new limited edition flavor in honor of the anniversaryBlue Cheese — the taste of cheese sauce. And also the brand Misha is my Shisha has created a limited version of the hookah MISHA Revolt!»The unique stainless steel mortise plate is engraved, and the skeleton of the shaft and the rim above the base are painted in HP branded colors. The HookahPlace logo is…

#new flavor
#New hookah
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Let’s go back to the origins and get acquainted with the new product dedicated to the anniversary of HookahPlace.Classic flavor in the interpretation of Sarma — Melon!Melon — ripe, moderately sweet, dense, slightly herbaceous and greenish melon. Next we have a Brutal, durable and reliable — limited Werkbund HookahPlace Anniversary bowl.High-temperature ceramic mass, black textured glaze with asphalt effect and bright anniversary engraving HookahPlace Anniversary! MattPear released a limited hookah…

#new flavor
#New hookah
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Deus has already released the 18th flavorMarmalade — bright aroma of sweet and sour marmalade with fruit and berry notes. The Deus brand — tobacco from the famous blogger JohnCalliano (Anton Gayvoronsky) and the HookahPlace team (The largest chain of hookah lounges in the world). Tobacco is produced at its own facilities. It was first presented at the Johncalliano Fest in 2022. The main difference of this tobacco is its…

#John Calliano
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Сегодня мы немного расскажем вам о новом продукте на рынке, и все что нам известно о нем на данным момент:DEUS — это новый крепкий табак, созданный командой HookahPlace и JohnCalliano на собственном производстве! Крепкий берли! Уже представлено 10 вкусов, до конца года планируется выпустить еще минимум 6! SKITTLES — кисло-сладке конфетыORANGE BLOSSOM — цветы апельсинаRASPBERRY — малинаROSE GRAPEFRUIT — розовый грейпфрутPINEAPPLE MANGO — манго-ананасCOLA — колаVANILLA BERRIES — ягоды с…

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