Hookah workshop VS bar workshop: what is a priority in conditions of limited resources?
Greetings to all owners and managers of shisha lounges!
The topic of today’s discussion will be “Which workshop is better to develop in limited conditions? Bar or hookah bar?”
Each establishment has these two workshops (bar and hookah), plus many lounges now have a kitchen workshop and they all very rarely conflict with each other. By conflict, I mean when a guest chooses one thing: drinks, hookah or food.
But what about with limited resources and which workshop deserves more attention? In the word “resource” I immediately lay down many concepts such as: time, monetary opportunities and people (staff).
Let’s consider each case:
Why is it necessary to develop a bar workshop?
1. The marginality of each bar position is very high. Accordingly, the development of the bar looks logical in order to satisfy any request of the guest and earn more money. There are a lot of areas in the bar workshop that can and should be paid attention to. I would divide it all into two segments – alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (my opinion is that these two areas need to be developed so that the guests of the institution have a wide choice). Accordingly, the more variety you have in the bar menu in the lounge in these two directions, the more likely it is that the guest will take a drink that he likes.
2. An open bar counter is like another place where you can gather guests and communicate with them. Guests can come for a drink, chat with the staff, plus there is a belief that “people go for people.”
3. The element of the show is the preparation of any drinks, it is always interesting and the guest is always curious to watch how any positions are prepared in the institution. There is also a whole trend in the bar culture of flairing – this is when a bartender juggles a shaker or bottles, when he makes several exquisite turns of a glass on a high stem, or when he catches ice cubes on the fly.
Why is it necessary to develop a hookah workshop?
1. Кальян является существенным источником прибыли в заведениях за счет своей высокой маржинальности. If you also specify in the rules that guests should order more hookahs from the number of guests at the table, this will significantly increase the number of hookahs sold in the lounge.
2. The development of the hookah workshop can attract a new audience, which will increase the overall flow of customers.Often a high-quality hookah will help you stand out from the competition.
3. Successful performance of services and high-quality communication with customers will increase their loyalty to the institution. The guest will want to return to the place where he liked not only the drinks, but also, of course, the hookah.
4. The hookah menu can and should be developed. There are various additional hookah sales that will increase the average check and revenue of the establishment (fruit bowls, flask additives, hookah cocktails, etc.)
5. Cross-selling – guests very often take drinks any other items on the menu along with the hookah. I consider this a huge plus since the hookah disposes to take any drink or dessert with it.
Here is what I would like ask you to do in the comments section (business discussion):
- 1. Write which of these two workshops is better to develop with limited resources?
- 2. What is the profit ratio in your establishment between the workshops? How much % of the total turnover does the hookah workshop make, how much % does the bar workshop make?
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The set of Shisha Lounge Eggs from MustHave X HookahBattle (check website!)
Charcoal dispenser and tongs from Cocoloco — CHOICE OF THE PROFESSIONALS (subscribe Instagram page!)
The set of Lounge tools from Alpha Hookah X HookahBattle (check website)
Комментарий кошкуңуз келеби? Комментарий берүү жана добуш берүү үчөлөрүнө гана жеткиликтүү буга чейин бизнес клубунун мүчөсү?
1) Coming from a diaspora where a large percentage of the community just jumped on the wave of hookah which most of them just do it for trending purposes, At moonlight Restaurant & Bar in USA, a location where we are partnership with, it has been monitored and noticed from our financial book keeping records, the kitchen and the bar is majorly what most customers are coming here for, then those that want hookah ask for it. from a crowd of 2
00 customers , 50% are coming for alcoholic beverages ( drinks & Bottle packages), 25% are here for the food and 25% are here for hookah. Sometimes 10-15% of the alcohol customers who happen to buy table/section request for hookah .
Unless this is a hookah lounge, I’ll say it’s better to invest more resources in the bar workshop versus the hookah workshop because most of these customers request for hookah after 2nd – 3rd drink on a average.
2) At one of our lounges, from 1 busy night 50% sales from Bar Workshop, 20% from kitchen and 30% from hookah.
Все зависит о размеров и аппетитов заведений. Ну и возможностей. Для маленьких заведений, что лучше развивать кальянный цех при ограниченном ресурсе потому что моё заведения специализировалось именно на кальянах, а на напитки с собой был введён пробковый сбор , кроме воды. Кля крупных заведений можно и бар и кухню, если позволяют ресурсы. Конечно лучше давать как можно больше возможностей оставить деньги, внутри заведения, но на все нужны инвестиции и человеческий ресурс.
В моём заведении 30 процентов приходилось на бар, и 70 на кальянный цех
Благодарю за подробный ответ.
1. Я считаю, что лучше развивать два цеха , но при ограниченном ресурсе лучше развивать барный цех , т.к. гости редко берут каждый по отдельному кальяну, но по напиткам как раз всё наоборот (гости редко берут один напиток на всех и зачастую у всех разные предпочтения).
2. В нашем заведении 60% делает барный цех , 40% делает кальянных цех
The both workshops definitely work hand in hand like 5&6 lol, for an establishment that has the resources.
Спасибо за ваш ответ.