How to attract new guests to a hookah lounge? Your top 3 methods.

Greetings to all owners and managers of shisha lounges!

Last time, we discussed such an important topic as a regular guest. But how and where do regular guests come from?! Why do people choose your lounge on their first visit? What do you do for this? Today I would like to discuss with you the topic of attracting new guests to your establishments and what methods you use. I hope everyone will find something useful in this article.

Nowadays there are many different ways to attract new guests, but I would like to highlight those that I consider to be the most effective and I will try to explain why.

1. Social networks and maps, plus mandatory advertising in them.

In order for new guests to find and get to you, you must definitely place your establishment in various social networks and mapping services; without advertising, people will also find out about you, but it will take much longer and be much harder. I would like to leave a note that depending on each country and your target audience, you should use certain mapping services.

2. Word of mouth.  

 In many cases, all people rely on other people’s reviews when going to a new institution, recommendations from friends are perceived more loyally than advertising. But here I would definitely point out that you should stand out from the competition, provide the guest with a high level of service and meet all their needs.

3. Advertising with bloggers or media personalities.
  To attract new guests, you need to constantly buy ads from various popular people or bloggers. Most subscribers trust the opinion of their idol and will not ignore your institution.

That’s what I would like to ask you to do in the comments section (business discussion):  

  • 1. Please write down your top 3 methods in your opinion to attract new guests and why exactly they are.

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31st January 2025 14:00 UTC time the author of the highest rated comment will receive:

The set of Shisha Lounge Eggs from MustHave X HookahBattle (check website!)

Charcoal dispenser and tongs from Cocoloco — CHOICE OF THE PROFESSIONALS (subscribe Instagram page!)

The set of Lounge tools from Alpha Hookah X HookahBattle (check website)

#hookah chef
#alpha hookah
#Hookah lounge



Well, Im 15 years in the shisha lounge business. What I’ve learned about this:

Dont have money but have time:

1. Make meetings with as much different friends in your lounge as possible. Use different occasions: Meeting of friends from the Internet. Meeting of classmates e.t.c. The more people visit the lounge, the better for you – each person can tell it about friends or share in social media.

Dont have time, but have money:

1. Hire a marketing guy, even part-time is fine. Someone who will be responsible for attraction of new visitors.

2. Stimulate your current guests to attract new visitors.
For example: make a special discounted proposal to celebrate a birthday party in your lounge – birthday boy will invite own friends, each of them may become your loyal customer later

Жазган Reply

Лучшие методы привлечения это:
Хорошие соц. сети

Жазган Reply

Всем привет!
Наши топ 3 метода:
Соц.сети, картографические ресурсы и реклама в них(2ГИС, ВК, Яндекс Карты, до недавних времён еще был Инстарграм)
Сарафанное радио (Очень много новых гостей приходят за счёт постоянных)
Блогеры (в нашем случае это скидка по журналу Гик Трип от Сыендука, до этого реклама у блоггеров в Ютубе и Инстаграме)

Жазган Reply

Комментарий кошкуңуз келеби? Комментарий берүү жана добуш берүү үчөлөрүнө гана жеткиликтүү буга чейин бизнес клубунун мүчөсү?