Interview with Voskurimsya Company Ilya Bichkov (Business Insights from Intertabak)

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Ilya Bychkov – the head of Voskurimsya company – #1 distributor of European hookahs in Russia (Wookah, Kaloud, Steamulation, Nargilem, Ocean Hookah, Nargilem e.t.c.)
1. What is the short story of Voskurimsya company? How long are you in the Hookah Industry?
2. You started your business to import foreign hookahs when the Russian market didn’t have its own manufacturers. In 2021 there are around 40-50 Russian hookah manufacturers who effectively sell their product on the local market. How has this changed your business model as a hookah importer?
3. Do you think the Russian market in 2021 will have a big interest in foreign hookah brands, taking into account that imported hookahs are more expensive than products from local manufacturers?
4. How do you choose the brands from other countries which you distribute? Which criteria do you have so some foreign brand can become your partner?

#ocean hookah


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