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Element has released another flavor from the Asian collection, and it’s a total kick-ass flavor! Yangmei, aka Chinese strawberry. The guys tried to capture the flavor of the fruit of the Red Waxberry plant, also called Chinese strawberry or mountain peach. The taste of waxberry fruit is quite difficult to describe, people say that it is an unusual sweet-tart flavor, but with a strange aftertaste. Mountain peach is not transported…

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Element выпустил ещё один вкус из азиатской коллекции, и это просто бом-ба! Yangmei, он же китайская земляника. Ребята попробовали передать вкус плодов растения Восковица Красная, также называемого китайской земляникой или горным персиком. Вкус плодов восковницы описать довольно сложно, говорят что это необычный сладко-терпкий вкус, но со странным послевкусием. В другие страны горный персик не транспортируется. Мешает особенность нежных плодов портиться при малейшем воздействии. Даже в холодильнике ягоды не хранятся дольше…

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The classic Sarma line is being updated with a new flavor.Pinocchio lemonade – caramel—citrus soda with a characteristic sweet and sour taste. And the final flavor of the Asian drop from Element.Yangmei – unusual and vibrant taste of Yangmei berries, reminiscent of sweet strawberries.

#new flavor
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The second drop of exclusive Asian flavors from Element! (they were first shown back in the summer at JCF) Chinese Rose (Air line) – fragrance of hibiscus flowers, which is characterized by a pleasant sweetness with a slight sourness.Peony (Water line) – aroma of sweet jam made from peony flowers, which in China is considered a symbol of good wishes. Packing: 25/200 gr.

#new flavor
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We love tea like pandas love bamboo, so we can’t pass by the new products from ELEMENT Cheese tea: an unusual idea from the flavorists – to combine classic earl grey and cheese crema. We can confidently say that they did it perfectly, the flavor surprises with its both delicate and tart notes.GABA: strong brewed oolong with honey-floral notes, which will be to the taste of Chinese tea lovers, confidently…

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Мы любим чай, как панда любит бамбук, поэтому не можем пройти мимо новинок от ELEMENT СЫРНЫЙ ЧАЙ: необычная задумка от флейвористов – соединить классический эрл грей и сырную пенку. С уверенностью можем сказать, что у них отлично это получилось сделать, вкус удивляет своими одновременно нежными и терпкими нотами.ГАБА: крепко заваренный улун с медово-цветочными нотами, который придется по вкусу любителям китайского чая, уверенно чувствует себя в миксах.

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New flavors from Element have been released, which were presented at the last JCF 24:Cheese tea (air line) – popular combination of fragrant green tea and delicate, sweet cream cheese foam that will surround you with the atmosphere of a modern Chinese market.Gaba (earth line) – mild aroma of specially fermented Gaba tea, the taste of which has honey-floral notes with citrus acidity.

#new flavor
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Recently, our friend and Element’s ambassador in St. Petersburg – Nikolay Fadeev brought us their cool new products to try, we tested them together and are ready to tell you! We tried each flavor in two lines: Water and EarthChak – chak — A perfect take on chak-chak – a Tatar dessert made of dough and honey, the flavor is softly ambient and very tasty without being sugary captures the…

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На днях, наш друг и амбассадор Element`а по Санкт-Петербургу — Николай Фадеев принёс на пробу их крутые новинки, мы протестировали их вместе и готовы рассказать вам! Каждый вкус попробовали в двух линейках: Вода и ЗемляЧак – Чак — идеальное попадание в чак-чак — татарский десерт из теста и мёда, аромат мягко обволакивает и очень вкусно, не приторно передаёт суть! Топ!Juicy Peach — хороший и сочный персик, возможно даже персиковый сок,…

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New flavors from ELEMENT!The company has introduced two flavors, information about one of which was leaked earlier:Chak-Chak – multifaceted aroma of the famous Tatar sweetness: a delicate dessert soaked in honey syrup.Rich Peach – rich taste of juicy peach with a velvety aroma of sweet flesh, which will remind you of a sunny summer. Packing: 25/200g.Both flavors came out in two lines – in Water and Earth.

#new flavor
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Against the background of another lull in the industry. Yesterday, at a degustation in Kazan, the future flavor of Element was shown – Chak-Chak (Earth line)Chak-Chak – flour-based oriental pastry made from deep-fried pieces of dough mixed with honey syrup. P.S: By the way, this is a national culinary product of many peoples such as: Tatars, Bashkirs, Kirghizs, Karakalpaks, Kumyks, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Transcamian Chuvash and peoples neighboring Tatarstan and Bashkortostan…

#new flavor
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Element has announced new flavorsRaspberry Jam in the Air line – bright aroma of jam made from ripe garden raspberries plucked straight from the bush.Green Skittlez in the Water and Earth lines – taste of favorite sweets from childhood, which harmoniously combine the sweetness and sourness of fruits. A new flavor from SarmaGrapefruit juice – balance of astringency, sweetness and sourness in a pink citrus drink.

#new flavor
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A new flavor from Element!In two lines at once: Water and Earth!FRUIT PULP – aroma of a delicate puree of ripe pineapple and sweet banana with a light aftertaste of juicy apple The flavor is available in two packages: 25 and 200 grams.And new flavor from IZZI BRO!WOW GAZYVA – „It would seem that what could be surprising about ordinary soda? But, no, it can! This is a complex mix that,…

#new flavor
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