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The new hookah model HELIX from Don HookahThe hookah is made of two materials: AISI 304 stainless steel and polyacetalAvailable in two colors: white and black. Three new flavors from MusthaveCREAM SODA – creamy aroma of your favorite carbonated drink with a delicate note of vanilla. GARNET GRAPE – sweet and sour aroma of southern pomegranate and juicy grapes. PASSION PLUM – multifaceted aroma of sour plum and passion fruit.

#Don Hookah
#new flavor
#New hookah
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New flavors from MusthaveGuanapapa – exotic fragrance of creamy guanabana with delicate papaya. Red Tea – tart aroma of red fruit tea. The new bowl „Vulcan“ from the Forma. P.S: This bowl was supposed to be released more than a year ago, but at first, according to the manufacturer, there were problems with the material, then a surge in sales of dishes (yes, they also make dishes) and so…

#new flavor
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In honor of Valentine’s Day, MUSTHAVE announced two new flavors:What is love? MUSTHAVE has its own answer…“Love is…pour cocoa with marshmallows and brighten it up with a cinnamon bun „CACAO – aroma of a warming chocolate drink with marshmallows. CINNAMON ROLL –  flavor of a freshly baked cinnamon bun.

#new flavor
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DARKSIDE announced a new flavor, calling it a „reference version of the classics“CRYSTAL GRAPE – sweet, slightly refreshing aroma of ripe white grapes Interesting news from Germany for fans of vaping. One of the leaders among hookah tobacco manufacturers in Russia, Musthave, is launching its own line of vapes there. There are 7 flavors at the start. And the well-known HOOKAHJOHN produced 27mm coal Description:“We have been making Titanium Coconut Coals…

#hookah john
#new flavor
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Three new flavors from Musthave:PROSECCO – the aroma of light semi-dry sparkling wine with a slight sourness. LEMONGRASS – the aroma of sweet and sour lemonade based on lemongrass with lime slices. ELDERBERRY – sweet–tart aroma of elderberry with a slight sourness. According to the company’s representatives, these flavors are released based on audience requests.Izzi bro also introduced a new flavor .VANILLA COLA – classic American drink with a hint…

#new flavor
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A new flavor from Sebero to Halloween!Sebero Classic Halloween – pulp of a ripe sweet pumpkin. Last week ended with news about new packages. Well, as new.MustHave, for example, made cosmetic edits to the design of their cans.In the announcement of this news, the guys wrote that they had removed the image of the FURNACE from the lid P.S I think so many for the first time found out that…

#new flavor
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MUSTHAVE – 3 New Flavors!BERRY MORS – homemade mors made from ripe cranberries, cherries and raspberries. MILK OOLONG – delicate Chinese green tea with a milky aroma. ALOVA – bright mix of pink guava slices and juicy aloe pulp. All the novelties were presented at the johnCalliano FestivalAnd also the guys made cool cards. When you can’t think of something to smoke, take the deck, mix it up and pull…

#new flavor
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After a long break, Must Have released 3 new flavors at once:JUMANGO – tropical juice based on the juicy pulp of Thai mango, floral honey and raspberry berries. GREEN FIZZ – sweet and sour cocktail based on cactus juice and tart absinthe with slices of juicy kiwi. STRAWBERRY – rich aroma of ripe garden strawberries with sweet and slightly sour notes on the aftertaste.

#must have
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Every year, the biggest Hookah Community on VK – CLUB24 (with 292k followers, founded in 2007) conducts an analysis of the popularity of hookah tobacco brands.How we calculated: 1. Conducted a general market analysis, 2. Compiled a list of those who will participate in the big survey – deciding who to remove/add (, 3. Conducted a big survey (, combined the survey data with market analysis data, 4. Sorted the…

#black burn
#smoke angels
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Как считали:1. провели общий анализ рынка,2. составили список тех, кто будет участвовать в большом опросе – решали, кого убрать / добавить,3. провели большой опрос, сложили данные опроса с данными анализа рынка,4. отсортировали топ-18 в нашем супер шорт-листеДисклеймер: наш рейтинг отличается от прочих премий тем, что мы препятствуем накруткам и призывам к «голосованию за себя». Для этого^1. Закрываем группу на время голосования.2. В комментариях к каждому опросу фиксируем динамику голосов на…

#Black Burn
#Must Have
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Wie wir gezählt haben: 1. allgemeine Marktanalyse durchgeführt, 2. Liste der Teilnehmer für eine große Umfrage erstellt – entschieden, wen hinzufügen/entfernen (, 3. große Umfrage durchgeführt (, Umfragedaten mit Marktdaten kombiniert, 4. Top-18 in unserer Super-Shortlist sortiert ( Unser Ranking unterscheidet sich von anderen Auszeichnungen dadurch, dass wir Manipulationen und Aufrufe zur „Selbstabstimmung“ verhindern. Dafür 1. Schließen wir die Gruppe während der Abstimmung. 2. In den Kommentaren zu jeder Umfrage…

#black burn
#smoke angels
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Como contamos: 1. realizamos uma análise geral do mercado, 2. elaboramos uma lista dos que participariam da grande pesquisa – decidimos quem excluir / incluir (, 3. realizamos a grande pesquisa (, combinamos os dados da pesquisa com os dados de análise de mercado, 4. classificamos os 18 melhores na nossa super shortlist (ção de responsabilidade: nosso ranking difere de outros prêmios, pois evitamos manipulações e apelos ao „voto em…

#black burn
#smoke angels
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