FAKE \\ What’s special about it?

FAKE sent us a set of their flavors for us to test and tell you what we liked and why.

Let’s get down to business!

CANDY GRANNY — caramelized apple. Really apple in caramel, but with cinnamon. There’s a lot of cinnamon, so it’s more like apple strudel. Delicious, but not quite what the name implies!

LAVENDER MARTINI — An unusual flavor! What is important to note: at first it tasted like very specific flowers, but afterwards the taste of lavender martini was already revealed. The martini is similar, but the lavender overpowers it with its flavor.

CACTUS JAM — There’s not really any jam here, but the cactus is bright and captures the essence well. Can be used in mixes in an interesting way.

ICECREAMCOLA — A very tasty flavor that perfectly hits the taste of a glass of coke with an ice cream scoop inside! TOP!

LITTLE BIG — cherry juice with pomegranate. Good cherry flavor, has a hint of sour cherry juice and is complemented by light pomegranate, boldly recommended.

HELLBERRY — A good combination of raspberry and cranberry, goes to the sour side. Both berries are felt in equal measure. Good!!!



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