Discussion + Jury nomination of German Shop and Lounge Award 2021
Attention, you are able to see this post, but comments (discussion) are availible only for the verificated accounts (you can get this status – if you are the worker of shop/lounge/hookah company more info here)
The Hookah Battle launch 2 special events in Germany:
–Hookah Lounge Interior Deisgn Award 2021 (Partners: Nakhla Tobacco Company, Darkside, Steamulation, Cocoloco, Upgrade Form, Quasar, HookahSqueeze, Brohood, Elwano, HookahFlow)
– Hookah Shop Interior Design Award 2021 (Partners: Nakhla Tobacco Company, Darkside, Steamulation, Cocoloco, Upgrade Form, Quasar, HookahSqueeze, Brohood, Elwano, HookahFlow)
What is the purpose of this post?
1. You can ask in comments of this post any questions about this event. Hookah Battle orgz will reply.
2. You can nominate in comments Jury members of this event. Details:
– Just type a comment with your Jury idea, 1 Jury = 1 comment (do not put 2 or more names inside 1 comment)
– Look at the other comments from other people, click on comment rating, vote „+“ or „-“ for comment
– We will calcualate the rating of different comments with Jury nominations and will invite high rating persons to become a Jury of the events on 4th July 2021 18:00 German time.
The procedure of the event:
1. (June 8-July 8, 2021: Online selection round by photo) Participants send a photo of their interior design, people vote for the best pictures. (Please note: verified account Hookah Battle (i.e. professionals) have a voice power of X10)
2. (July 8 – July 20, 2021 🙂 Top 10 shops and Top 10 lounges go to the final show: their task is to record a short video (2-5 mins) about their business for the judges.
3. (July 24, 2021 at 20:00 German time) online stream on VK, FB, YouTube: Final show of the award for the best design of a hookah lounge in Germany
4. (July 25, 2021 at 20:00 German time) online stream in VK, FB, YouTube: Final show of the award for the best design of a hookah store in Russia
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I nominate a judge
BigtoB – ShishaWarenTester https://www.youtube.com/user/ShishaWarenTest
I nominate a judge
Artur – the founder of https://www.elwano.de
I nominate a judge
Hamid Reza – https://shishamesse.de team, The Jury of passed Hookah Battle
I nominate a judge
Anita Fischer – hookah blogger, founder of the hookah lounge in Bulgaria
I nominate a judge
Aleksandr Vadim Grünling – Darkside Team Germany
I nominate a judge
Florian Haidorf – founder and CEO of:
The winner of Hookah Battle Europe Cup
I nominate a judge
Max Held – the founder of https://hookahlove.de/, the jury member of some passed Hookah Battle in a different countries.
I nominate a judge (possible only for Lounges show, since Ulf’s shop participating in Shop award)
Ulf Springefeld – the founder of https://shishajournal.de/ , Jury member of many passed Hookah Battle in a different countries.
I nominate a judge
Tino Häusler – Consultant on excise products, martketing and international customs affairs.Jury member of Hookah Battle Ukraine 2019.
Erzählen Sie uns mehr über den Preisfonds für Geschäfte und Lounges? Wie wird es gebildet und verteilt?
Die weltweite Gewinnausschüttung beläuft sich auf über 100.000 Euro. In Deutschland werden 9.600-10.000 Euro davon ausgeschüttet.
Wie kommt es dazu: Die Partner der Veranstaltung (Hersteller) stellen den Preisträgern die sogenannten „Business Certificates“ zur Verfügung.
Nach dem Ende der Veranstaltung (letzter Stream mit der Final Jury) senden die Organisatoren von HookahBattle eine E-Mail an 30 Gewinner des Shisha Shop und 30 Gewinner des Shisha Lounge Interior Award.
Die E-Mail enthält Geschäftszertifikatsdateien verschiedener Marken. In jedem Zertifikat wird der Betrag des kostenlosen Versands des Produkts (oder Geschenks) sowie Anweisungen dazu angegeben, wie Sie es erhalten und an wen Sie sich wenden können. Die Bedingungen des Zertifikats hängen davon ab, welchen Preisplatz dieser oder jener Teilnehmer belegt hat.
1. Platz – 150 Euro von jeder Marke
2. Platz – 100 Euro von jeder Marke
3. Platz – 50 Euro von jeder Marke
4. – 30. Platz – 10 Euro von jeder Marke