Golden and Silver Legends of HookahBattle: 2023 updates

Hookah Battle have been building an international community of hookah industry workers for 12 years, holding various competitions for them and making life easier for them with our online services such as HHH, W2S, H.Hub, H.Names etc.

We have a big database of hookah brands – lounges, shops, bloggers, manufacturers and other professional units. Brands can take part as a contestants in a different HookahBattle events 

For activity in each event we achieve points in our global Hall Of Fame rating: each brand can get from 1 to 10 points from any event (click for more info). Achieving a certain number of points gives the brand a special status in our community: Golden or Silver Legend of HookahBattle.

41 points = Silver Ring Legend of HookahBattle

– You will be invited to the „Legends Ceremony“ – annual hookah ship VIP party where we celebrate HookahBattle birthday, 30th August, St. Petersburg city, every year:

– You will be granted with a Silver Ring of HookahBattle Hall of Fame Legend:

– Silver ring (made by Maklaud) allows you to be the Jury member of any HookahBattle event up to your choice for the rest of your live. This ring also have a function of a „stamp“ for the Jury documents. 

– Memorial metal nameplate Hall Of Fame for the wall:

–  Hall Of Fame sweatshirt by Tongs:

– Unique nominal design sticker (Stickerpacks with our legends availible in telegram community, also we print it and distribute on any hookah expo):

125 points = Golden Ring Legends

– Golden ring gives you access to secret advantages and privilege, only few people in the world have the golden ring of HookahBattle.

#hall of fame


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