Hookah Culture Promotion in Asia

Date: September 25, 2024

Venue : 26/F, California House, 30-32 D’Aguilar Street, Central

Time : 16:30-20:30

Background : Promoting Asian hookah culture


Question: Who are you?

Qualification : hookah enthusiasts

Maximum number of participants : 30 (first-come-first-served)

Competition rules: 15 people per group 90 minutes per group Each participant will have 2 minutes on stage to tell the audience about his/her creative ideas and journey with the use of a hookah Participants will be informed of their starting time by random drawing of lots two days before the competition, and all scores will be made public. Participants can bring their own flavors and smoking materials.

The tournament schedule:

16:00-16:30 Preparation of the venue

16:30  Start

16:30-18:00 First Round Contestant Showcase

18:00-18:30 Calculations on the results

18:30-20:00 Second Round Contestant Showcase

20:00-20:30 Calculations on the results

20:30-21:00 Results Announcement and Group Photo

Judging criteria: Total 40 points 5 judges (different nationalities but no Hong Kong judges)

Flavor (10 out of 10)

Smoke level (10 out of 10)

Presentation (10 points)

Aesthetics (10 out of 10)

The final score will be determined by the sum of the total scores of the 5 judges Full score 200

How to participate: Submit an entry at https://hongkong.hookahbattle.com/en/

P.S. After submitting your entry, please take a screenshot and submit the entry fee of HK$550 for verification.

Prize pool: up to HK$40,000

1st Place Cash Prize HK$5,000

2nd Place Cash Prize HK$2,000

Third Place Cash Prize HK$1,000

1st Spirt of Ecstasy pipe (Marquis Hookah) $15,000

Best Taste 1st Place Star Trooper pipe (Marquis Hookah) $3,980

Each participant will receive a Hong Kong-made pipe Unit price $480

#Hong Kong
#local event
#local league
#shisha meet

1 comment


Wish all the contestants good luck!

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