3 new products (not so much anymore) from Chabacco and Hook! All super juicy and very natural, so we’re already out of it Chabacco Mix Currant Crumble – the flavor of homemade black currant pie with a characteristic slight sourness. The dough and currants are perfectly captured.Chabacco Mix Strawberry Milkshake – the rich flavor of a strawberry milkshake, it’s downright oozy, gorgeous, brilliantHOOK Pineapple Rings – a nice flavor of…

3 новинки (уже не очень) от Chabacco и Hook! Всё супер сочное и очень натуральное, поэтому у нас уже всё закончилось Chabacco Mix Смородиновый крамбл — аромат домашнего пирога из чёрной смородины с характерной лёгкой кислинкой. Отлично передано тесто и смородина.Chabacco Mix Клубничный милкшейк — насыщенный аромат клубничного молочного коктейля, это прямо улёт, шик, блескHOOK Ананасовые кольца — хороший аромат сочных ананасовых колечек с лёгкой кислинкой.Если хотите хороший и крепкий…

New flavors announced by ChabaccoChabacco Mix Currant crumble – flavor of homemade blackcurrant pie with a characteristic slight sourness. Chabacco Mix Strawberry milkshake – rich flavor of strawberry milkshake. As well as a new flavor from HOOKPineapple rings — the aroma of juicy pineapple rings with a slight sourness.

A new limited edition flavor in the strong line Hook from Chabacano!Kashmir – “languid fragrance with subtle tones of Indian spices and a bright aftertaste. A noble classic in a modern design.” Molodost announces the release of a new flavor.Rustic disco until morning — refreshing sweet taurine taste of an energy drink mixed with berry and floral notes on the aftertaste.

A new flavor from Satyr – APELMIZO (Aroma Collection, Alpha)APELMIZO – sweet, velvety aroma of juicy orange. “A classic that drives old-school kids crazy.” Chabacco presents two new summer flavors in the HOOK line:Peach tea – sweet aroma of iced tea with slices of ripe peach.Canemint – refreshing fragrance of sweet mints.

Three new flavors from CHABACCO!One flavor in the Chabacco Mix line:Marmalade bears – classic sweet and sour flavor of marmalade with notes of pineapple and peach. And Two flavors in a strong HOOK: Pear-lemonade – rich aroma of Duchess pear lemonade, familiar from childhood. Fig – aroma of sweet ripe figs with honey notes of pulp, light woody notes of seeds and peel on the aftertaste.

New flavors of HOOK from Chabacco:Strawberry – rich aroma of ripe garden strawberries.Lollipop – the aroma of berry caramel with notes of strawberry and pomegranate with a pleasant freshness.Guava – sweet and sour tropical juice with red guava pulp, complemented by floral notes and cactus aroma. Teaser of a new flavor from Bonche It will soon appear in the brand’s collection. At the moment, it is only known that this…

Hook is a strong tea from Chabacco, the presentation of which took place last week.The product is manufactured using the new Nexus technology, the features of which are not yet known to anyone.) At the start of 10 flavors:- Apricot HOOK — apricot with cinnamon;- Watermelon-melon HOOK — melon-watermelon-mint;- Guava HOOK — guava-flowers-cactus;- Strawberry HOOK — strawberry;- Cranberry-lingonberry HOOK — cranberry-lingonberry;- Lollipop HOOK — berries-caramel-pomegranate;- Nutel HOOK — nutela;- Rondo…