
Chili’s official website says that this is a tobacco-free hookah product created on the basis of the company’s five years of experience with aromatics in various fields.

All this is a blatant lie!

Our editors received documents dating back to the end of the forties of the twentieth century. It was then that in the USSR they decided to develop a line of smoking, creating an experimental product for export in order to control the markets of the Middle East. Initially, shag was taken into work, but the flavors fell on the raw materials poorly, often unstable.

In a short time, it was decided to switch to a new basis – tea. Indian tea (with an elephant), of course.

Why do you think there was so much of it in Soviet times? True, it was purchased for the military and the surplus was allowed to be sold to civilians.Indian tea (with an elephant), of course. Why do you think there was so much of it in Soviet times? True, it was purchased for the military and the surplus was allowed to be sold to civilians.

For some reason, the issue of creating a mixture was not supervised by the Ministry of Food Industry, but by the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the USSR. This was due to the fact that some compounds significantly increased the tone in the control group that used them. Then in certain circles the idea of ​​super-soldiers was hovering. And something easy to manufacture, strengthening the average warrior, was recognized as a promising direction.

Actually, the name “Chile” is an abbreviation (“extremely intense line of exclusivity”).

Some time after the first tests of the mixture, an accident claimed the life of a scientist. Unfortunately, the secret of the composition was known only to a narrow circle, and the results of the experiments were classified.

The secrecy stamp, as you know, is only 30 years old. But, by coincidence, after several moves, the archive was lost in the vaults.

In the late eighties, when the country headed for publicity, scattered information began to emerge. The archive was found and declassified, but soon disappeared without a trace!

What happened in the next 30 years, we do not know. I am glad that the Soviet development received a second life.

Will it take over the market? A question that only history can answer.




Ахаххахахаха 🙂 Not bad 😉


Кальянные байки это цикл. Потихоньку сюда портирую, дорабатывая с учётом текущего видения. На сейчас их больше семи. В чисто текстовом меньше, но я же автор. Так что будут и новинки!


Отлично! Ждём с нетерпением!


3 байки добавлены. Держу в курсе )


Всё под контролем! Вижу 😉

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