Discussion + Jury nomination of BRAZIL Shop and Lounge Award 2021

Attention, you are seeing this post, but comments (discussion) are enabled only for verified accounts. (You can receive this status – if you are an employee of a shop, lounge or hookah related company. Basically, anyone in the Hookah Industry. More info here)

The Hookah Battle is launching two special events in Brazil:

Hookah Lounge Interior Deisgn Award 2021 (Partners: Ziggy, Karma Hookah, Arya Hookah, Cocosoul, OBLAKO, Tiobob)

– Hookah Shop Interior Design Award 2021 (Partners: Ziggy, Maklaud, Arya Hookah, Cocosoul, Tiobob, Moon)

What is the purpose of this post?

  1. The comment section will be available for questions regarding the event and you will get answers directly from the Hookah Battle event organizers.
  2. The comment section will also be used to nominate Jury members for this event. Example:

– Type a comment with your Juror nomination, 1 Juror = 1 comment (do not put 2 or more names in 1 comment)

– Browse other comments from other people, click on the comment and rate it, “+” or “-” for each comment

– We will tally the votes for every comment with Jury nominations and will invite the highest rated people to become a member of the Jury for the events on 20th-21th November 2021 20:00 Brazil time.

The event details and process:

  1. (October 21 – November 12, 2021: Online selection round by photo) Participants send a photo of their interior design, people vote for the best pictures. (Please note: verified account Hookah Battle (i.e. professionals) have a voice power of X10)
  2. (November 12 — November 19, 2021 Top 10 shops and Top 10 lounges go to the final show: their task is to record a short video (2-5 mins) about their business for the judges.
  3. (November 20, 2021 at 20:00 Brazil time) online stream on VK, FB, YouTube: Final show of the award for the best design of a hookah lounge in Brazil
    4. (November 21, 2021 at 20:00 Paris time) online stream in VK, FB, YouTube: Final show of the award for the best design of a hookah store in Brazil
#Hookah Battle



9 Joubert Maia (Dicas de Arguile)


7 Amanda Gobbi (Sultan Hookah)


6 Jhennifer Sandy (Narguile Rosa)


5 Victor Afonso (Hookah Show)


4 João Carlos (Juba Gabriel)


3 Renato Gomes (Diga lá Major)


2 Eduardo Macário (Canal Du Macário)


1 Gabriel Sakamoto (TSM)

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