OFFICIAL REPORT — WORLD CUP 2021 (Hookah Club Show 2021)

May 2 on the main stage HOOKAH CLUB SHOW held Hookah Battle World Cup 2021, which was attended by 10 teams from different countries.

It was epic and as interesting as ever!
Hookah — hair dryer, roulette and «FATALITY» from Mortal Combat….

The judges of the competition were:

Oleg Knyaginin Invariable chairman of the Hookah Battle Jury.

Arif Atav — Dede Arif, one of the founders of Nargile Puan. He has educational broadcasts on Twitch, as well as a hookah video blog on Youtube and Instagram.

Marik CosmoManufacturer of tobacco «SEVERNIY», owner of the telegram channel «Hookah for Russians».

Ekaterina VishnyakovaThe only girl champion, 1st place in Hall Of Fame.

Ruslan PetrakovOwner of the master franchise network Mint LOUNGE in the Republic of Belarus. Founder and owner of Mint STORE and ARMAHOOKAH chain stores.

Thank you to everyone who took part in this show!

World Cup 2021 results:

1 place — Raim Raketa Team — Raimbek Jumamuradov. Kazakhstan, Aktau.
2nd place — Black Wings — Daniel Volodarsky. Russia, St. Petersburg.
3rd place — Artyom Team Artyom Potrekhalichev. Russia, Moscow.

Audience Award — Smoky Two Maria Petrova. Russia, St. Petersburg.

The official photo report will be published soon.
You can watch the Hookah Battle World Cup 2021 broadcast on our YouTube channel —

We would like to thank the partners of the WORLD CUP 2021:

Darkside Tobacco
Alpha Hookah


#Hookah Battle

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