Report Music Hookah Battle 2024

November 18, 2024 was our show Music Hookah Battle 2024  


1 A mediynayablad x Stephan Pie | Stephan Pie |Russia

2 B Karisma | Jordi Ricou | Spain

3 C Art Hookah Family | Kirill Glushchenko | Russia

4 D SAINT CYPHER | Alexander Ziganshin | Russia

5 E Virginia Group | Enver Pulatov | Russia

6 F Nomad Smoke | CY Cai Zien | Hong Kong

7 G Himera Hookah | Vladimir Bobrov | Russia

8 H AshishA | Aisha De Beer | South Africa

9 I TOMORO | Tomoro | Japan



1st place: AshishA | Aisha De Beer | South Africa +10 Hall of Fame points

2nd place: Karisma | Jordi Ricou | Spain +8 Hall of Fame points

3rd place: mediynayablad x Stephan Pie | Stephan Pie |Russia +6 Hall of Fame points

What is the Hall of Fame?

The Hookah Battle Hall of Fame is made up of the tournament participants and brands that score the most points in Hookah Battle tournaments. Points are awarded for participation and wins, so only active members of our community are inducted into the Hookah Battle Hall of Fame. Inclusion in the Hookah Battle Hall of Fame is a recognition of true excellence and a welcome event for everyone who has participated in our tournaments.

Where can I participate?

Check our event website for information

#Hookah Battle


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