InterTabac Meets… Hookah Place
Business Insights from Intertabak
Anton Gayvoronsky – the head of the biggest in the world hookah lounge franchise chain – Hookah Place (150+ venues in 15 countries), one of the leading in the world youtube hookah bloggers with the channel John Calliano
– How long are you in the Hookah industry? When did you open your first Hookah Place and when did you sell your first franchise? How many Hookah Place lounges perform in 2021 and in how many countries?
– Why do people contact you to open a hookah lounge franchise? (Which reasons) Why do you think the franchising of hookah lounges became so popular in Russia?
– Do you know any hookah lounge franchise concepts in Europe or outside Russia? There are many hookah lounges, but not a lot with a franchise model. Why do you think it’s not so popular in Europe or Russia?
– What problems do you face when you open a franchise lounge in European countries? (Estonia, Poland, Cyprus, Czech, Italy e.t.c.), what are the differences with such a process compared to Russia?
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