InterTabac Meets…. FEDOTOV

The new episode with FEDOTOV is online.

Evgeniy Fedotov – head of tobacco consulting agency

– A story about a new tobacco tax law, which totally changed the Russian market (tobacco tax applying on the weight of only tobacco raw without syrup), I know that you’ve been close to the people who worked on this law change. Please tell your story and your experience about this question.

– Do you think some European countries have a chance to use the same experience with tobacco law regulation like it happens in Russia?

– Did you hear about the new German law regulations? (Shisha tobacco is allowed to sell no more than 25gr. packs for customers). What do you think about it and how it may affect the market if we may have some similar law in Russia?

– Can you tell the top 3 problems which can face new hookah tobacco brand entering the Russian market?



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