Kraken – Moroccan mint and Old Bourbon / EL BOMBER – heat controller

New flavors from Kraken

MOROCCAN MINT«an extraordinary refreshing aroma of juicy leaves of Moroccan mint. Soft and delicate without excessive menthol and peppery taste.»

OLD BOURBON«classic combination of cigar and alcoholic notes. The taste of mature bourbon reveals hints of caramel, fragrant oak and vanilla notes, and a slightly astringent aftertaste of dried fruits»

EL BOMBER has released a heat controller. According to the classics, it is made of stainless steel.

«The holes on the bottom promote air circulation, which contributes to the uniform transfer of heat.»

«There are special recesses inside the controller that make the installation of coal more stable and convenient.»

«The bottom cover is made in the form of a ribbed circle, which prevents sliding on the bowl.»

#El Bomber
#heat controller
#new flavor


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