Greek tobacco? Review of VULKANA!

Athletes, while we are trying all the most interesting of the recent novelties, including from JC, let’s tell you about what we tried at ShishaMesse in Spain!

This is tobacco brand VULKANA ( from Greece! Yes, yes, something new and very interesting, especially the flavors we will talk about today. To begin with, we will tell you that the product is divided into 3 lines: light, strong and separately dry tobacco leaf and flavorings, which can be mixed in the desired proportion.

We tried the light line on virginia leaf, let’s move on to our opinion on the flavors:

Vulkana – Mastica Magic

Flavor – not a bad mix of creamy dessert and mastic, a hint of spruce.

The brightness is natural.

Vulkana – Yia Yias Tsoureki

Flavor – an interesting combination of the Greek equivalent of a brioche bun with light mastic and mahleb (spiced Magaleb cherry pith), definitely worth a try.

Brightness is good. a little sour.

Vulkana – Yasu Ouzo

Flavor – obvious sambuca, good for anise lovers, for the rest can go only in mixes.

The brightness is natural anise, that is pungent.

Vulkana – Melomakarona

Flavor – the taste of Christmas cookies with cloves and honey, sour, they promise orange and walnuts, but they were not felt.

Brightness – excellent, very natural and similar to oatmeal cookies.

Bottom line: Vulkana is an interesting product that reflects well the tastes of hookah lovers from Greece, able to surprise you with unusual flavors, but not necessarily you will like it, still a light line gives the old European industry.

#new flavor


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