Tangiers Extreme Cane Mint с президентской подписью автору лучшего вопроса: конкурс комментариев!

Приветствую,кальянные спортсмены!

Не так давно у меня состоялась встреча с Tess Castillo – президентом Tangiers Tobacco.

Мы договорились организовать текстовое интервью с Tess для комьюнити Hookah Battle. Какие вопросы хотели бы вы услышать от меня для Tess в этом интервью?

Пожалуйста, залогиньтесь и напишите свои идеи насчёт вопросов в комментариях к этой статье (Любые языки приветствуются,не переживайте,мы их переведём)

Автор лучшего вопроса (Tess сама выберет лучший вопрос) получит эксклюзивную 250-граммовую пачку Tangiers tobacco (Extreme Cane Mint flavor) с личной подписью Tess Castillo:




Tess has chosen the author of the most interesting question:
congratulations to BEKO from Kazakhstan!


Exclusive 250gr package of Tangiers Extreme Cane Mint with a signature of Tess will go to you!


Hi there
My name is Ruslan, I am from Russia, I am in the hookah business since 2009 and saw the whole way of your brand formation in Russia. Now I live in America, New York.
1. Over the last 10-15 years a huge number of hookah lounges have appeared in Russia, there is even a network of lounges with a focus on Tangiers tobacco. Why is there still no such lounge in America?
2. When I worked in Russia, many of our establishments had an assortment of 50+ flavors of Tangiers tobacco. In America now I can’t even support an assortment of 15 flavors. It’s very difficult to find your tobacco in a sufficient assortment with a good selection


Hi Ruslan,

Hookah Culture in the US is very different than other parts of the world. Especially in New York, sales of flavored tobacco have been banned in the five boroughs for more than 10 years. The vendors that continue to sell and operate lounges do so knowing they can pay enforcement fines or potentially be shut down.

Flavors in the US are highly regulated by FDA and taxes in some states are high enough it discourages businesses from carrying tobacco products. I would say the US market needs some life breathed into it, taxes, regulations, and a US smoking age of 21+, plus the inability to truly market tie our hands in many ways.


Hey Tess.
I’m Alex, the Russian who owned the “SmoKing” hookah lounge in the heart of Europe continent – Slovakia.
The hookah market in our country is slowly growing (because of enthusiastic crazy guys like me) and already passed some pikes like let’s say “Hi quality Virginia leaves based hookah tobaccos” as Fumari or Daily Hookah (Starline). Weve also reached the “Gi quality Black tobaccos blends” like Tangiers, Fumari Black or Darkside.
The increasing not only the quantity of consumption but mainly the quality push us to looking at something unusual.
In our days we are presenting something new and interesting, like Cigar leaves – based tobacco blends and mixes based on cigar tobaccos, mostly strong, more heat resistance and way more bright in case of the taste.
So, the question is if you don’t have a plan to create something like “C-line” to meet new market demands!
I’m sure with the brand as strong as Tangiers you will have crazy support and success!
Good luck and thank you for Tangiers, Tess!


Hi Alex,

We appreciate your support; we currently have no plans of developing any new cigar tobacco-based lines of tobacco.



Very cool idea! How long has Tangiers actually existed?


Tangiers has existed since the year 2000, it started with ceramic hookah bowls.


Добрый день. Я бы хотел узнать, как появилась идея создания линейки F-Line, а также, как чувствовали себя сотрудники после тестирования при разработке?)))
Какая из линеек для вас самая любимая как для любителя кальянов?


Good afternoon. I would like to know how the idea of ​​creating the F-Line line came about, and also, how did the employees feel after testing during development?)))
Which of the lines is your favorite as a hookah lover?


Eric loved caffeinated beverages, coffee, tea, soda. He figured he could successfully add caffeine to tobacco, so he did. As for testing, F-Line has existed since 2004, at the time Eric was the only employee, he enjoyed F-Line, and a few of us who were his friends at the time got to try it in development as well!


Hi Tess,

I must say i’m a big fan, I have been smoking Tangiers for almost 10 years now, never had the chance to meet Eric but i hope we could meet someday, maybe when i will visit the Tangiers Club in Brazil, i smoked most of the flavours and i specially love mixing them, would you be interested in making mixes with people in the Industry from all over the world and maybe make a special mix line ? Like a mix from different country ? just using the existing flavours, would love to be part of it.

Thank you for all your work, Eric and you definitely changed the tobacco industry forever !

Greetings from Paris to all the Tangiers team and shoutout to Michel and Jean !



Greetings from our team as well! We have released a few flavors in the past that are based on customer mixes. The oldest being Static Starlight, which was developed for a lounge in San Diego in 2006. We may embark on a project like this in the future, we will see!

I will send your love to Michel and Jean!


Dear Tess, My name is Jignesh and I am owner of Sheesha Avenue in Philippines, which is a Shisha lounge and also importer, distributor, wholesaler of shisha products in Philippines. I must say Tangiers is one of my favorite brands especially Cane Mint and the Kashmir line. My question is what is your strategy for international presence for Tangiers and where do you see Tangiers in the next 3 years in terms of internationally? It would be also nice to hear if you are already exploring / looking at any countries / markets to enter into; If so which ones?


Hi Jingesh,

We have expanded our international market a lot in the last 5 years. Currently we are working on increasing our production capacity to be able to provide more tobacco on a shorter timeline to our customers. Hopefully we will have lead times reduced by early next year to allow us to bring on new customers more easily! We would love to have distribution in the Phillipines.


Dear Tess,
As you might recall, I’m overseeing the judging committee at HookahBattle and recently branched out decision-making support into its own project. I’m keen to understand your team’s process in making complex decisions, such as selecting the right flavor nuances for new tastes or planning marketing campaigns. Do you employ a voting mechanism, and if so, does anyone have a deciding vote influential enough to counter the majority? My question may seem impersonal, but the answer could provide insights beneficial for both our operations. Thank you!


Hi Oleg,

We attempt to operate on a consensus basis for most large decisions. Typically several people need to agree, however some decisions are made by myself or Eric’s wife Lila without input, when required.


May I recommend trying out Rezon.io for your voting needs? Although it’s currently in alpha, it’s fully functional for conducting polls. Feel free to test it on a smaller, less crucial decision first. I’d love to hear your thoughts and see if it could be useful for your more important polls as well.


Очень интересный интерактив и возможность пообщаться с причастными к созданию такого культового бренда) 💪
Я бы хотела узнать, на чем основывалась первоначальная идея создания продукта, для чего и для кого его делали, почему выбрали именно такое сырье,упаковку и вкусы)
И в какую страну едет больше всего продукта на продажу?)


Very interesting interactive and the opportunity to communicate with those involved in the creation of such a cult brand) 💪
I would like to know what the initial idea of creating the product was based on, why and for whom it was made, why they chose exactly such raw materials, packaging and tastes)
And to which country does the most product go for sale?)


Hi Katty,

The initial product was made by Eric, he enjoyed hookah but wanted something that tasted more like what he thought flavors should taste like, and that lasted beyond the typical bowl available at the time. Truly he made it for everyone but based on what he wanted to smoke.

In regards to materials, packaging materials were chosen based on their ability to be used for multiple flavors, and as Tangiers started very small availability. As far as actual ingredients, everything added to Tangiers Tobacco is GRAS and sourced from reputable distributors. Eric was a chemical engineer by trade and held quality materials in a very high regard. We uphold his standards.

Sales, the United States is still where the majority of our product is sold.


Оу как долго я этого ждал 👌🏻✌🏽🥲
Во первых Приветствую 🫡 Тесс и всю команду Танжирс . Спасибо огромное всей команде за ваш огромный вклад в индустрию развитие наших вкусовых горизонтов.Мы выросли на вашем продукте мы учились на вашем продукте мы росли и развивались благодаря вам 🫶🏻
Отчасти именно благодаря вашему продукту в России появилось так много брендов и так быстро развивалась индустрия.
Отсюда вопрос 1- Почему имея такую огромную фанатскую базу именно Бразилия стала местом вашего клуба ?

С большим интересом наблюдаю за тем как ваша команда начала принимать участия в хука баттле и открывать вас для себя не только как крутой бренд но и как нечто большее. Думаю коммуникация с потребителем очень важна в нашей индустрии.
Соответственно вопрос 2- почему ваш бренд только сейчас начал коммуницировать с потребителями ?был чат он закрылся был ютуб канал на нем очень мало видео . Почему нет Соц сетей почему нет платформы где я как потребитель могу следить как дела у моего любимого бренда, что нового готовится и как развивается ?как дела у сотрудников и тд . По мне это очень важно и помогает сблизится и почувствовать себя причастным к бренду.
Или я ошибаюсь и у вас есть активные платформы просто я о них не знаю ?

На протяжение многих лет было очень много попыток выпустить на рынок аналог вашего продукта,его убийцу,альтернативу и тд чуть ли не каждый 2 новый бренд заявлял это
Брали за эталон Фумари,Танж,альфакер
И пытались повторить,дать альтернативу и завоевать их места.От части с некоторыми брендами это получилось в совокупности дефицита продукта и того что бренд не вел работу с потребителем (чего требовал того на тот момент рынок) их место заняли новые бренды. Но с Танжом такого не вышло как ценили данный продук так и ценят как был лучший крепкий табак в мире так и остался
Вопрос 3-В чем магия ? 😅 почему на протяжение многих лет не кто не смог повторить скопировать вас ?☺️😅 почему по вашему мнения у продукта такой дикий успех и столько бессменных фанатов продукта ? Не боитесь ли вы того что скоро все же смогут повторить или воссоздать или превзойти вас ?😅

Все российские Бренды имеют амбасадоров
Да и не только Российские Шербетли,Альфакер,Фумари,Старбаз,Сошел Смоук,Зома,Авзал возможно кого то еще забыл но суть думаю понятна
У всех есть представители Амбасадоры которые продвигают продукт в странах
Помогают участвовать в выставках и организовывать мероприятия.
Вопрос 4
А почему Танжир не разу не приезжал (вроде на моей памяти) в Россию с мероприятиями или мастер классами? А есть ли у вас вообще амбасадоры ? Если да то какие знания и критерия должен иметь человек чтоб стать вашим представителем ?) и куда обращаться ?☺️🥹 А если нет то думаете ли вы о том чтоб начать этот путь ?)

Многие годы формат упаковки не менялся все тот же форм фактор упаковки и фасовки,посмотрел видео с фасовки и был в шоке
Вопрос 5 – Почему так?такой форм фактор ? Такая упаковка ? Есть ли на производстве автоматизированные системы?сколько человек трудится на производстве ? Какая производительность завода ?

Немного слухов и сплетен все мы слышали о вашем конфликте с Танжирс лаундж и ее руководством вроде как даже судебные тяжбы
6- Ребят мы все услышали и поняли почему все так можно услышать ваш комментарий как вы видите эту ситуацию с вашей стороны ? На каком этот вопрос сейчас ? Вопрос закрыт или все только начинается ?🙊🙈🙉

Говорят что на нашем рынке появилась не удачная партия вашего продукта,сейчас собирали данные для того чтоб определить какая это партия именно была и тд.
Вопрос 7- вы знаете об этом ?такое возможно ? Или это паль ? Какие меры вы принимаете на производстве для контроля качества продукции ? Есть ли контрольные прокуры бочек можете ли вы отследить качество каждой бочки ? Что вы делаете если обнаружили не качественную партию на рынке или на производстве ?

Многие для контроля рынка следит за другими брендами продуют изучают новые вкусы т тд
8 вопрос – знаете ли вы русские бренды ? Что пробовали ? Что вам нравится ? И вообще а что вы сами любите курить ? Ваш любимый вкус и 3 микса с ним ?

В России очень много ваших фанатов думаю вы уже поняли
9 вопрос будет о – поездке в России были ли вы тут ? Если да то где были и что понравилось что не понравилось ?если нет Хотели бы ли вы побывать ?и что вообще знаете о России. ?

Думаю я очень много что спросил надеюсь вы мне ответите по возможности
Вопрос 10 я надеюсь вопросы вам понравились ? Думаю это победа да ?
Я видел у вас крутую подушечку в Лаунджа 🥰 а есть ли еще какой то мерч у вас если да то какой ? Не думали ли вы вместе с хука баттл собрать топ миксов со всего мира с вашим продуктом и лучшие из этих сочетаний как то монетизировать
И для вас новый взгляд на ваш продукт и для ребят дополнительная возможность поучаствовать в жизни Бренда 🥲

Вообщем у меня все думаю хватит
Очень буду ждать вашего ответа 🙊🙈 точнее ответов 🥲 если как то где то задел прошу прощения умысла тонкого не было
Всем любви и мира ✌🏽🫡🫶🏻


Oh how long have I been waiting for this 👌🏻✌🏽🥲

First greetings 🫡 Tess and the entire Tangiers team. Thank you so much to the whole team for your huge contribution to the industry, the development of our taste horizons. We grew up on your product, we learned from your product, we grew and developed thanks to you 🫶🏻
It was partly due to your product that so many brands appeared in Russia and the industry developed so quickly.
Hence the question 1-
Why, with such a huge fan base, Brazil has become the place of your club?

I watch with great interest how your team began to take part in the hook battle and discover you not only as a cool brand, but also as something more. I think communication with the consumer is very important in our industry.

Accordingly, question 2 –
why did your brand just now begin to communicate with consumers?

There was a chat, it was closed, there was a YouTube channel, there are very few videos on it. Why is there no social networks, why is there no platform where I, as a consumer, can follow how my favorite brand is doing, what’s new is being prepared and how it’s developing? how are the employees doing, etc. For me, this is very important and helps to get closer and feel involved in the brand.
Or am I wrong and you have active platforms, I just don’t know about them?

Over the years, there have been a lot of attempts to launch on the market an analogue of your product, its killer, an alternative, etc., almost every 2 new brand has stated this
They took for the standard Fumari, Tanj, Alfaker
And they tried to repeat, give an alternative and win their places. Partly with some brands, this turned out to be a combination of a product shortage and the fact that the brand did not work with the consumer (which the market demanded at that time), new brands took their place. But this didn’t work out with Tange, as they appreciated this product and appreciate how it was the best strong tobacco in the world and remained

Question 3-What is magic? 😅 why for many years no one has been able to copy you? ☺️😅 why do you think the product has such a wild success and so many permanent fans of the product? Aren’t you afraid that soon they will be able to repeat or recreate or surpass you?😅

All Russian Brands have ambassadors
Yes, and not only Russian Sherbetli, Alfaker, Fumari, Starbaz, Smoke came down, Zoma, Avzal, maybe he forgot someone else, but I think the essence is clear
Everyone has Ambassadors who promote the product in countries
Help to participate in exhibitions and organize events.

Question 4
And why has Tangier never come (like in my memory) to Russia with events or master classes? Do you have any ambassadors at all? If so, what knowledge and criteria should a person have to become your representative?) and where to apply? ☺️🥹 And if not, do you think about starting this path?)

For many years, the packaging format has not changed, the same form factor of packaging and packaging, I watched the video from the packaging and was shocked

Question 5 – Why so? Such a form factor? Such a package? Are there automated systems in production? How many people work in production? What is the productivity of the plant?

A few rumors and gossip we all heard about your conflict with Tangiers lounge and its management, sort of like even litigation

6- We all heard the guys and understood why everything is so possible to hear your comment, how do you see this situation from your side? What is the question now? Is the question closed or is everything just beginning?🙊🙈🙉

They say that an unsuccessful batch of your product has appeared on our market, now they are collecting data in order to determine what kind of batch it was, and so on.

Question 7- do you know about it ? is it possible ? Or is it a finger? What measures do you take in production to control product quality? Are there barrel inspections, can you track the quality of each barrel? What do you do if you find a non-quality batch on the market or in production?

Many people follow other brands to control the market, they explore new tastes, etc.

8 question – do you know Russian brands? What have you tried? What do you like ? And in general, what do you like to smoke? What is your favorite flavor and 3 mixes with it?

There are a lot of your fans in Russia, I think you already understood

9 the question will be about – a trip to Russia, were you here? If so, where were you and what did you like, what didn’t you like? If not, would you like to visit? And what do you know about Russia. ?

I think I asked a lot of things I hope you answer me as soon as possible

Question 10 I hope you liked the questions? I think it’s a win, right?
I saw a cool pillow in your Lounge 🥰 do you have any other merch, if so, what kind? Have you thought, together with the battle hook, to collect top mixes from around the world with your product and monetize the best of these combinations somehow?
And for you a new look at your product and for the guys an additional opportunity to participate in the life of the Brand 🥲

All in all, I think that’s enough
I will really wait for your answer 🙊🙈 more precisely answers 🥲 if somehow I hurt somewhere, I apologize for the subtle intent
Love and peace to all ✌🏽🫡🫶🏻


Wow! That s a lot of questions, let’s see if we can get most of them answered!

Question #1: South America had some market turmoil during COVID as they were hit especially hard by the virus, and also we replaced our previous distributor. Tangiers has worked closely with Tangiers Club for many years, and we focused on ensuring their distributor transition went smoothly!

Question #2: Why did we just recently start communicating with customers? When Eric was alive, he liked to remain in 100% control of all outside the company communication and he didn’t care for social media much. We have an instagram and a facebook page, as well as a website. YouTube videos were a drain on resources. We are all ok, we post regularly to our instagram and have a director of social media and marketing, brought on last year for the first time in Tangiers History.

Question #3: What is the magic? Personally, I think the magic isn’t something you could easily put a label on or point at, if it was it would have been duplicated successfully by now. We love the product! We love our jobs, and we mostly all smoke Tangiers. As far as Expos go, we have only participated for a few years and have not built a network of people yet.

Question #4: The 1st trade show we ever exhibited at was in 2019, then COVID, we are still new to trade show exhibiting. We are not currently bringing on ambassadors, and have no program planned for this year.

Question #5: New Packaging? Yes, we developed new packaging, as a method to streamline production without changing anything fundamental about the product. As we have expanded into new countries we have to have more packaging options to remain compliant with various regulatory agencies. Boxes allow these changes with less labor demand.

Question #6: Let’s leave this, there are attorneys for a reason.

Question #7: Quality Issues. We are a handmade product, so while every batch will be slightly different, we also have Quality Control steps in between every process, aa well as upon completion. We have also been made aware that there is some counterfeit tobacco appearing on two international markets, we are doing our best to stop the counterfeiters.

Question #8: Do we know Russian brands? Not closely, we have sampled a few flavors from a few brands, we prefer Tangiers. We are likely biased. What do I smoke, currently mostly Experiment, Mimon, and Bug Powder, but that may be different next month. I rarely mix tobacco flavors, outside of development of new flavors.

Question #9: I have not been to Russia, maybe in the future. I think I’m all done with international travel for business this year. We shall see what next year brings.

Question #10: We have T-shirts and stickers, and sometimes other items available as merch. Mostly they are brought to trade shows or sold online by US vendors. We have not signed on for any further mix battles, or competitions at this time.

Hopefully I hit most of your key points! Happy Smoking!


Yes, thank you for answering all questions in such a detailed and detailed way. It’s cool when a company interacts with a consumer. And special thanks to the battle hookah team for providing such an opportunity ✌🏽 🫶🏻
We are waiting for you to visit anywhere in Russia or any city in the CIS countries. Let’s meet like relatives, remember this when planning your next trips 😅😂


Hello my name is Benni and I have been one of the first German Shisha bloggers that existed over 15 years ago. I know the industry for a long time and have seen many companies come and go and therefore I would be interested in the following question:

Why has the German market, which dominates the industry with Russia and France, among others, never really been focused on?


Hi Benni,

We had a sales rep 2015-2018 who was bringing in product regularly to Germany. His life took him in another direction around the time we relocated the business from San Diego to Phoenix, and we are just now getting back, post regulatory changes to bringing Tobacco into Germany. Should have 1st order landed in country next month.


Добрый день Тесс ! Меня зовут Андрей Лукашук
сам я родом из Украины но несколько лет назад переехал в Польшу , в город Варшава. Сейчас я занимаюсь развитием кальянной индустрии в Польше в сети Krutoy Lounge.

Познакомился я с табаком Tangiers еще в Украине в 2015 году и полюбил я ваш табак за счет его крепости и вкуса , в итоге это один из моих любимых табаков особенно Kashmir Peach. Когда я начал работать в польше первым делом я попросил закупить Tangiers в нашу сеть.
Где я начал обучать гостей правильному курению
Tangiers на фанел и на фольге как это делал Эрик , а так же обучал каляьнных мастеров как добиться максимальной крепости от вашего табака так как мое мнение что Tangiers один из самых крепких табаков в мире . А любителей покурить крепко в Польше все больше .
Вопрос : тут в Европе я ощутил разницу в крепости , а так же во вкусе например самой популярный линейки NOIR , вопрос почему ? Либо же на Европу продается немного другого качества Tangiers либо же в за последние года что то изменилось в приготовлении самого табачного сырья ? Если же ни каких изменений не было значит очень сильно распространилась копия вашего табака в Европе .


Good afternoon Tess! My name is Andrey Lukashuk
Originaly Im from Ukraine, but a few years ago I moved to Poland, to the city of Warsaw. Now I am developing the hookah industry in Poland in the Krutoy Lounge chain.

I met Tangiers tobacco back in Ukraine in 2015 and I fell in love with your tobacco due to its strength and taste, as a result, this is one of my favorite tobaccos, especially Kashmir Peach. When I started working in Poland, the first thing I asked was to buy Tangiers for our lounge chain.

In our lounges I have started teaching guests how to smoke properly
Tangiers on fanel and foil as Eric did, and also taught hookah masters how to get the maximum strength from your tobacco, since in my opinion Tangiers is one of the strongest tobaccos in the world. And there are more and more lovers of smoking hard in Poland.

Question: here in Europe I felt a difference in strength, as well as in taste, (for example, the most popular NOIR line,) the question is why? Either a slightly different quality of Tangiers is sold to Europe, or has something changed in the preparation of raw tobacco itself in recent years? If there were no changes, then a copy of your tobacco in Europe has spread very much.


Hi Andrey,

We haven’t changed anything about the tobacco. Same Tangiers. There are however now tobaccos with more nicotine available on market, as well as an entire world of vapes that frequently have higher nicotine strength than Tangiers.


Не забудьте накидать плюсов в карму Тесс: https://hookahbattle.com/en/user/tess/


Здравствуйте Тесс! Меня зовут Артем Дрига, основатель сети специализированных кальянных магазинов S2B в разных городах России. В 90-ых годах в СССР был товарный дефицит. Люди стояли в очередях, они не могли обеспечить себя товарами, даже если были деньги. Например, появившиеся в то время видеомагнитофоны можно было получить либо по знакомству, либо отстояв в очереди несколько месяцев. У нас в России говорят „были времена!“. Вот такая историческая справка. Но у меня есть и вопрос. Почему за столько лет дружбы с нашей страной у вас не получается наладить продажи в России? Потребитель не может получить свободный доступ к продукту. Танжирс почти как видеомагнитофон.


Hello Tess! My name is Artem Driga, the founder of a shop chain of specialized hookah stores S2B in different cities of Russia.

In the 1990s, there was a trade deficit in the USSR. People stood in lines, they could not provide themselves with goods, even if they had money. For example, VCRs that appeared at that time could be obtained either by acquaintance or by standing in line for several months.

We in Russia say “there were times!”. Here is a historical note.

But I also have a question. Why, after so many years of friendship with our country, are you unable to establish sales in Russia? The consumer cannot get free access to the product. Tangiers is almost like a VCR.


Hello Artem,

We are located in the United States who currently has sanctions in place. We cannot establish sales in Russia at this time.


Hey Tess ! I’m Beko from Kazakhstan , we in love of Tangiers tobacco in my country, so thanks for all people from company for that opportunity to taste that brilliant tobacco everyday !
My question is : tangiers got so many different flavours , but maybe you got some tastes that you NEVER will do it our favourite tobacco , and why ?
Thanks , and best wishes for you and company 🙂


Hi Beko,

Flavors we wouldn’t do? Good Question!

No interest in bringing back bacon, otherwise if it works well and we think there’s a market, why not!?


Добрый день!
Меня зовут Антон, Тесс, скажите на сколько стало сложнее выпускать вкусы, и соблюдать тех процессы после ухода в лучший мир Эрика?


Good afternoon
My name is Anton, Tess, tell me how much more difficult it has become to produce flavors and follow those processes after leaving Eric for a better world?


Hi Anton,

We miss Eric dearly, as a company. Personally, he was one of my closest friends! I’m not sure that creating new flavors or making tobacco is any more challenging because he is not here, he left us with all the knowledge we could need and an ever-present voice of his in our heads. It is definitely lonelier without him!


Hello from Spain, Tess. My name is Artsiom and I can classify myself as an advanced hookah lover in general and Tangiers fine tobacco in particular.
First of all, I´d like to thank you for your commitment to the company that stood at the origins of hookah culture and continues to set trends for years to come. And my question will consist of two parts:

1. How do trends outside the US market affect the selection of tobacco lines in terms of flavor?

2. How would you like to see the place of your brand in the domestic and foreign markets in the next 5 years?


Hello Artsiom,

We thank you for continuing to enjoy our product.

Question #1: Trends in what populations around the world are interested in influence what new flavors we produce to an extent. Actual flavor composition affects the line it is produced in. Even more than tastes, what can be viably marketed from a regulatory perspective is more influential.

Question #2: We of course would like to be on top, but I am a realist, and know that our size and production output maintaining quality is far more important.


Привет из Санкт-Петербурга от проекта Кальян-Эксперт

У вас есть Cane Mint и Extreme Cane Mint, не было ли мыслей сделать вкус Extreme Kashmir для фанатов сверхяркой ароматики пряных вкусов? У нас вкусы линейки кашмир в топе по продажам и иногда находятся те, кто хочет еще более яркий вкус специй=)


Greetings from St. Petersburg from the Hookah-Expert project

You have Cane Mint and Extreme Cane Mint, have you thought about making Extreme Kashmir for fans of super-aromatic spicy flavors? We have the tastes of the Kashmir line in the top of sales and sometimes there are those who want an even brighter taste of spices =)


Hi Kalyanexpert,

Currently there are no plans to make an extreme Kashmir.


Dear Tess, my name Eugeniy – Im the founder of where2smoke.net service which helps hookah professionals to find where to smoke particular tobacco brand in surrounding hookah lounges. For example with this link you can see hundreds of Moscow hookah lounges who have Tangiers tobacco in their menues: https://where2smoke.net/en/Moscow/search?tobacco=tangiers

Do you think our project where2smoke will be useful for you in the US market with US lounges?


Hi Eugeniy,

Potentially could be useful in the US market.


Здравствуйте Тесс, меня зовут Никита, и я являюсь кальянным мастером заведения “Diskette lounge” в городе Санкт-Петербург. Мне стало очень интересно, что дает такой уникальный запах при перегреве вашего продукта, табачный лист или же сахарный сироп?



Hello Tess, my name is Nikita, and I am a hookah master at the Diskette Lounge in St. Petersburg. It became very interesting to me what gives such a unique smell when your product is overheated, tobacco leaf or sugar syrup?


Hi Nikita,

You are likely smelling the burning of glycerine.


Dear Tess, my name Timur, Im the general manager of hookah lounge from Russia, St. Petersburg. Some tobacco brands provide us a light / neon sign if we do a good sales of their product. Dont you have any support merchandise / signs for hookah lounges who sell your product good?


Hi Timur,

We currently do no offer promotional products of this type.


Hi Tess. First of all its so good to see a lady in the industry that’s doing amazing things! So well done! I own ASHISHA in South Africa. Tangiers Cane mint is by far the fast selling flavors in our country. Our only issue is the availability here. We dont have much stock and its hard to get it here with the other flavors in the Tangiers line. My questions for you are as follows: What inspired this specific flavor? Why do you only offer 250g packs. Many of our clients want to start dark leaf but are not comfortable in buying such a big pack. Do you not offer smaller sizes? We would love to do business with you as our Dark leaf clientele is growing and cane mint is the go to flavor to start. Thank you to you and your team for being consistent and always offering the best.


Hi Aisha,

We offer 100gram sizes as well as 250g, and 500g. Working on bringing in smaller sized packaging on a larger scale as well. Contact the number on any package and someone can get you set up with a distributor or an account based on volume.

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