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July 15, 2024 was our show Hookah Battle Brazil Cup 2024   Teams: 1 A Shishalove – Cyprus | Christos Farkonis2 B EGG Shisha – Japan | Takahiro Wakamura3 C Hookahjoy gr – Greece | Christakis Katikaridis4 D La Cápsula Shop – Spain | César Vicente5 E Backdoor – Hong Kong | Akil Cheung6 F Bestshop Hookah Market – Russia | Ainur Salakhov7 G S2B – United Arab Emirates | Artem Driga8 H…

#Hookah Battle
#Hookah Shop
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July 29, 2023 was our show Hookah Battle Shop Award International 2023 OnlineThis year’s show included 10 teams.1.  CG HOOKAH STORE2.  Hookah Place Worldwide3.  1001 cachimbas4.  Hookahjoy5.  Bestshop Hookah Market6.  İSMAİLBEYLİ TOBACCO7.  AshishA8.  Shoq9. Bengala Hookah10. Magma ShopCommunities that bet on the participants: Oleg Knyaginin – DBICHFJEAGFurkan Aksoy  –  DBJAIHEGCFFaisal Taibani – DBFHGIECJAMoritz Braun – BDHCJIFGEA 1. (D) Bestshop Hookah Market Russia + 10 Hall of Fame Points2. (B) 1001 cachimbas Spain + 8 Hall of…

#Hookah Shop
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The new store is not just a business expansion, it’s a statement of intent: 1001 CACHIMBAS is here to change the game. This is an exciting new chapter in the company’s history with an innovative vision and an offering that redefines industry standards. 1001 Cachimbas Factory Store at Alcalá de Guadaria (Seville, Spain)Continuing the expansion of the company 1001 CACHIMBAS, which recently opened a new store in the city of…

#Hookah Shop
#Shop Award
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Новый магазин — это не просто расширение бизнеса, это заявление о намерениях: 1001 CACHIMBAS здесь, чтобы изменить правила игры. Это новая захватывающая глава в истории компании с инновационным видением и предложением, которое переопределяет отраслевые стандарты. 1001 Cachimbas Factory Store at Alcalá de Guadaria (Seville, Spain)Активно развивающаяся компания  1001 CACHIMBAS,  недавно открыла новый магазин в городе Алькала-де-Гвадаира (Испания). Это их четвертая точка продаж в Андалусии (регион Испании) и вторая в провинции…

#Hookah Shop
#shop and lounge
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La nueva tienda no es solo una expansión del negocio, es una declaración de intenciones: 1001 CACHIMBAS está aquí para cambiar el juego. Este es un emocionante nuevo capítulo en la historia de la empresa con una visión innovadora y una oferta que redefine los estándares del sector. 1001 Cachimbas Factory StoreContinúa la expansión de la empresa 1001 Cachimbas, que recientemente ha abierto una nueva tienda en el municipio de…

#hookah shop
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In 2021, Hookah Battle organized and held the „Best Hookah Lounge Design in the World“ award. In a series of regional stages, one of the brightest and most interesting was the „Ukraine Hookah Battle Lounge Award“, which presented Ukrainian hookahs and lounges. Now the recording of the competition stream looks like greetings from another, old world.Just a few months later, the Army of Russia attacked Ukraine and life in the…

#Hookah lounge
#lounge award
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В 2021 году Hookah Battle организовал и провёл премию „Лучший дизайн кальянного лаунжа в Мире“. В череде региональных этапов одним из самых ярких и интересных стал „Ukraine Hookah Battle Lounge Award“, в котором были представлены кальянные и лаунжи Украины. Теперь запись стрима соревнования выглядит как привет из другого, старого мира.Спустя всего несколько месяцев на территории Украины началась спецоперация ВС РФ (по требованию Роскомнадзора мы используем именно эту формулировку) и жизнь…

#Hookah lounge
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January 22, 2022, passed the Grand-Prix Hookah Battle Shop and Lounge Interior Award 2021 We held local events in 9 countries throughout the year to choose the most beautiful hookah ounges and the most beautiful hookah shops. As a result, the best venues in each country participated in the Grand-Prix Shop and Lounge Interior Award 2021. The participants were: Brazil 667 Hookah Street Lounge            …

#Hookah Battle
#shop and lounge
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22 Января 2022 года, прошел Grand-Prix Hookah Battle Shop and Lounge Interior Award 2021 В течении всего года мы провели локальные мероприятия в 9 странах, где выбирали самые красивые кальянные заведения и самые красивые кальянные магазины. По итогам лучшие заведения в каждой стране стали участниками Grand-Prix Shop and Lounge Interior Award 2021. Участниками стали: Brazil 667 Hookah Street Lounge Hookah Time Shop     USA Aria Social Lounge 5 Stars…

#Hookah Battle
#shop and lounge
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Attention, you are seeing this post, but comments (discussion) are enabled only for verified accounts. (You can receive this status – if you are an employee of a shop, lounge or hookah related company. Basically, anyone in the Hookah Industry. More info here) The Hookah Battle is launching two special events in United Kingdom: — Hookah Lounge Interior Deisgn Award 2021 (Partners: Chillma, Cocosoul, Quasar, Intertabac, Honey Sigh, Mexanika, Xookah, Shisha Gear) – Hookah…

#Hookah Battle
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Attention, you are seeing this post, but comments (discussion) are enabled only for verified accounts. (You can receive this status – if you are an employee of a shop, lounge or hookah related company. Basically, anyone in the Hookah Industry. More info here) The Hookah Battle is launching two special events in Brazil: – Hookah Lounge Interior Deisgn Award 2021 (Partners: Ziggy, Karma Hookah, Arya Hookah, Cocosoul, OBLAKO, Tiobob) – Hookah Shop Interior Design…

#Hookah Battle
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Attention, you are seeing this post, but comments (discussion) are enabled only for verified accounts. (You can receive this status – if you are an employee of a shop, lounge or hookah related company. Basically, anyone in the Hookah Industry. More info here) The Hookah Battle is launching two special events in FRANCE: –Hookah Lounge Interior Deisgn Award 2021 (Partners: Steamulation, Arya Hookah, Cocoloco, Solaris, Quasar, Intertabak, El-badia, Darna shop) – Hookah Shop Interior…

#Hookah Battle
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Attention, you are seeing this post, but comments (discussion) are enabled only for verified accounts. (you can receive this status – if you are an employee of a shop, lounge or hookah related company. Basically anyone in the Hookah Industry. More info here) The Hookah Battle is launching two special events in CZECH: –Hookah Lounge Interior Deisgn Award 2021 (Partners: Theo, Darkside, Marvin Smoke, Izzy partners, FORMA, Shanti, Arya Hookah) – Hookah Shop Interior…

#Hookah Battle
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Upozornění pro čtenáře, přidávat komentáře a diskutovat mohou pouze uživatelé s ověřeným účtem. Ten získáte, pokud pracujete či jinak působíte v dýmkařském průmyslu (více informací zde). Hookah Battle připravil pro Českou republiku dvě speciální soutěže spojené s oceněním: – Česká cena za design dýmkařského podniku 2021 Partneři akce: Theo, Darkside, Marvin Smoke, Izzy partners, FORMA, Shanti, Arya Hookah – Česká cena za design dýmkařského obchodu 2021 Partneři akce: Theo, Darkside,…

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Attention, you are seeing this post, but comments (discussion) are enabled only for verified accounts. (you can receive this status – if you are an employee of a shop, lounge or hookah related company. Basically anyone in the Hookah Industry. More info here) The Hookah Battle is launching two special events in TURKEY: –Hookah Lounge Interior Deisgn Award 2021 (Partners: Lirra, WTO, SoftSmoke, Cocosoul, Aromania, Narguile Uzmani) – Hookah Shop Interior Design…

#Hookah Battle
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Dikkat, bu gönderiyi görüyorsunuz, ancak yorumlar (tartışma) yalnızca doğrulanmış hesaplar için etkinleştirilmiştir. (Eğer bir mağaza, salon veya nargile ile ilgili bir şirketin çalışanıysanız (temelde Nargile Endüstrisindeki herhangi biriyseniz) bu statüyü alabilirsiniz. (Daha fazla bilgi için) Hookah Battle, TÜRKİYE’de iki özel etkinlik başlatıyor: – Türkiye Nargile Kafe İç Tasarım Ödülü (Partnerler: Lirra, WTO, SoftSmoke, Cocosoul, Aromania, Narguile Uzmani) – Türkiye Nargile Mağazası İç Tasarım Ödülü (Partnerler: Lirra, WTO, Mr. Eds, Conceptic,…

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