OFFICIAL REPORT – Russia Lounge Interior Award 2021

Hookah Battle Lounge Interior Award 2021 (Russia) final took place on May 3

During the month the website has been voting for the best hookah lounge in Russia to determine the top 10 lounge bars which will go to the finals of the Russian stage.

The top 10 establishments are:

1 – JohnCalliano Lounge


2 – Tangiers Lounge


3 – Chillim lounge


4 – Parkovka


5 –Penthouse Podnebesnaya


6 – Myata Edition Avtozavodskaya


7 – BeeBL Lounge


8 –Barvikha Lounge Paveletskaya


9 – Barvikha Lounge Baumanskaya


10 – Garden Lounge

Participants had to record a video message for the judges in which they talk briefly about their establishment.

The judges for Lounge Interior Award 2021 (Russia) were:

Oleg Knyaginin – The irreplaceable chairman of the Hookah Battle jury board


Evgeny Vedenin – Founder,


Stanislav Oleynikov – Owner of three brands: Conceptic Design, Japona Hookah, Solomon Hookah.


Ilya Bychkov – the founder of VOSKURIMSYA.


Egor Chigridov – One of the top hookah masters in Russia. He has visited a huge number of hookah lounges all over Russia, giving lectures and masterclasses.


Special thanks to everyone who took part in this show!

Top 5 venues as voted by the judges:

1st place – John Calliano Lounge.
2nd place – Tangiers Lounge
3 place – Barvikha Lounge Paveletskaya
4th place – Barvikha Lounge Baumanskaya
5th place – Garden Lounge

Judge’s score sheets.

The Hookah Battle Lounge Interior Award 2021 (Russia) broadcast can be viewed on our YouTube channel

Special thanks to the partners who supported the Hookah Battle Lounge Interior Award 2021:

Must Have Tobacco
Conceptic Design
Nakhla Tobacco Company

#Hookah lounge
#Russia lounge


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