A new medium-strength hookah tobacco called Fake is entering the market.
Its creator is Aik Lazaryan – the creator of the brand and the blog Hookahtime.
Tobacco is produced at the facilities of the Sebero brand.
Each flavor is uniquely presented in its own way, for example:
The first FAKE flavor
Cactus Jam
A general list of flavors known at the moment:
➖ Sugar Daddy (Strawberries in powdered sugar)
➖ Cactus Jam (Cactus fruit jam)
➖ Feijoa Jelly (Tropical jelly from feijoa)
➖ Birds Milk (Bird’s milk candy)
➖ Little Big (Cherry juice with pomegranate)
➖ Bahama Shake (Tropical Shake)
➖ Chistaya Liniya (Creamy ice cream in a waffle cone)
Start of sales 17.07
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