Dogma – Piloto Cubano, Connecticut Broadleaf and Habano Vuelta Abajo

New flavors in the Sigar single origin line from Dogma

Piloto CubanoDominicana, harvest 2021 – strength 3/5. The rose of the taste contains dark oolong, ash, cherry. The exposure is 3 years. A classic Cuban variety grown in the Dominican Republic.

Connecticut Broadleaf USA, the 2019 harvest is the brother of Pennsylvania Broadleaf from another state. Similar in taste, less dessert, more alcoholic. Exposure time is 5 years. Fortress 4/5. The taste contains pepper, whiskey, hazelnut.

Habano Vuelta Abajo Nicaragua, the 2021 harvest is the strongest representative in this drop. The exposure is 3 years. The Vuelto Abajo is the best plantation in Cuba, the seeds were formed on this particular terroir. Fortress 5/5. Rose of taste – puer, pepper, burnt oak

#new flavor


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