Moonrave blogger-bowls

Recently received some interesting bowls from Moonrave in collaborations with two different bloggers, so today we’re going to tell you about them!

Moonrave X Sarkozy — Trubochka

Beautiful bowl for cocktail hookahs, there is nothing much to say, just want to look at it

Speaking of test, everything is super – the glazed phanel does a great job of bringing out the rich flavor of any packed mix!

Moonrave, Olymp, Telamon X Трёха — VORTEX

This one is unique because it is a Vortex Very unusual form-factor with volcano, but which has 4 holes on the sides, not on top. On the test: the draft between the phanel and straight-flow. However, unlike phanel, you can safely pack without a touch with HMD and not afraid of underheating.



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